As the panels came at her Rachel smirked. She ran towards them and requiped two hand held guns. The first she fired had enough power to blow one of the panels away like nothing. Still she continued forward. She jumped and shot at one of them as she neared it. She kicked off it shattering it after having weakened it with the shield piercing round. He movement continued across the other two... Or at least it would have. Why stop you ask? Some flying phoenix brat hit her back. Of course, it wouldn't have done much had she been still and in a position to accept it, but she was moving and the collision caused her to fall forward off the last panel face first into the floor. Rachel grit her teeth as she leaped back to her feet and immediately aimed her weapons at blaze. However, before she could pull the trigger she felt the cold iron slam into her gut and knock her off guard. If there was ever a time to hit Rachel it'd be now. "What the..." Rachel grunted upon impact. The one who'd knocked her back was her ally... Kinzoku had dodged Blaze's flames and attacked Rachel before she could fire at the phoenix. "I said the phoenix is mine." He said before leaping into the air right at Blaze and throwing a kick at her. abdomen. "Don't get confused now. I just wanna beat you down myself kid." He said with a somewhat sadistic smirk on his face. That was one way to follow up a "good deed". -------------------------------- Iggy grit his teeth. "I'm gonna have to disagree with you on that you bastard." He said as he leaped back. "FIRE DRAGON'S ROAR!" He shouted releasing a torrent of flames on him. Whether he guarded or dodged didn't matter though. Under the cover of the flames Iggy was charging again fists blazing to deliver more powerful blows and hopefully land one.