Jared noticed Elim's harsh remarks toward Kasus, but simply ignored it... for the moment. For now, he nodded his agreement with Kristoff and even helped him get some stuff out of the overturned sled, even taking the initiative to add some of the gear to his own so that Kristoff wouldn't be forced to carry everything. On a similar note, Jared also flagged his friends over had them carry a bit as well. After all, the more supplies they could carry away from the sled, the better. It was at about this time that the little snowman finally decided to come out of hiding, his sudden appearance even startling Jared, "Hello," it said, staring at the group with wide eyes and naive smile, "my name's Olaf. Anna and Elsa first made me when they were little girls, but earlier today Elsa made me again but used her powers to give me life. I found Anna after that and..." at this point Jared realized that if he didn't say something the snowman would never shut up. "Oh, OK. That's great." he said with feigned interest, "Speaking of Elsa, we better go find her now, right?" this seemed to be enough to get the snowman to stop talking in favor of moving along, "Phew... thought he'd never stop talking." he muttered under his breath as the group now seemed ready to start up the mountain trail. As they did so, Jared realized there were a couple of things he needed to take care of among his friends and chose now to do so. First he adjusted his pace to walk with Serene, "Did you lose your nunchaku?" he asked her suddenly, "It's just, well I kind of noticed you weren't using them in the last fight..." he paused, thinking of an idea and suddenly just gave his spear to her, "...here, take mine for now. I'd feel better if you at least had something to use besides your fists." and before she could have a chance to give it back or refuse, he went off on his own again. Next up was Kasus. It was pretty apparent that the poor guy was feeling down, especially after his "conversation" with Elim, that term being used very loosely. And so, Jared decided to try saying something to help, "Hey, don't listen to what he says." Jared whispered, not really wanting Elim to hear and start an argument, "I mean, we're all kind of new to this sort of thing. Heck, even Elim was a rookie at some point, even if he'd probably never admit it. If we just stick together it'll turn out okay, I'm sure of it." with that, he was about leave but stopped himself, wanting to say one last thing, "Oh, and next time let me know if you lose something so I can help you find it, OK?" that last thing was referring to the swords Kasus lost back in the Kingdom, and as he walked away Jared made a note to himself to help Kasus find them before they left. And finally, Jared saved the most difficult thing for last. He wasn't sure how he was going to do this, even as he approached Elim, but he knew he had to do something. The last thing he wanted was tension among his friends, and if that meant playing mediator then he'd just have to knuckle down and do just that, "Hey," he said to Elim when he got to him, "that was completely uncalled for you know." there was no need to elaborate, it was pretty obvious what Jared was referring to, "I don't know how long you've been on your own, but since you're with us you really should cut the Lone Wolf routine, and cut us a little slack while you're at it. Maybe you have a bit of experience with fighting, and if so, great. But the rest of us, myself included? If you think we should improve somehow then just say so, you don't have to go slapping someone and making a scene about it." he was about to leave Elim to his thoughts when he added, "One more thing. Since you're clearly the most experienced fighter, if you could maybe help us with some training, I think we'd all appreciate it." Maybe he could have sounded more stern, reminded Elim just whose ship they were riding on or something as a warning, but Jared chose not to. This wasn't some military squad where he needed to be a harsh drill instructor to keep everyone in line. They were just a group of kids who, thanks to a rotten twist of fate, were effectively stuck together and only really had each other to rely on. That meant they would all have to start by trusting each other.