"Man, this seriously fuckin' bites." One of the slaves said as he was roughly shoved into the group cell along with the others. Unlike a few of the others, who's peculiarity may have been less noticeable, this man seemed to stick out due to the strange markings that adorned his face, coupled with the medium cage that he gripped firmly in one hand as he sat down. "This is all your fault y'know, Coal. You just [u]had[/u] to suggest hitching a ride on that weird ass boat. But oh no, we just *had* to get to borneo via boat because you hate planes!" he barked down to the cage. For a moment, the cage remained silent, however a quick swat from the top by the man elicited a loud, drawn out hiss from the occupant inside. The man narrowed his eyes "Oh don't you start with me. Don't act as though just because the spell that lets us talk to each other isn't active doesn't mean I don't know what you're tryin' to say. You shouldn't be hissing at me at all considering that A: This is your fault, and B: I convinced these douchenozzles that they'd get a better deal selling us together rather than separately." the man hissed venomously before huffing and leaning back against the cell, "Reeeaaally fuckin' bites....".