Name: Hana Jameson Alias(s): Neoteris Age: 25 Affiliations: Heroes Description: She’s short, standing at only 5’2” and curvy, her body just the right proportion of body fat and muscle for her to be considered ‘hot’. That said, her face, while pretty, is enough to make her cute rather than beautiful. Her blue eyes are usually full of an impish humour, and her hair, blonde, is left long and straight. Her choice of clothes as a civilian is fairly average for her age. Her costume is simple, a cat suit that covers all of her body, there is a short skirt at her waist, at the top of which is a utility belt, her sleeves have small, slim pouches on them, and there is a . It is copper in colour, but otherwise mostly undecorated, albeit with a stylised Triskellion emblazoned across the chest in silver. Her face is completely covered by a mask of the same colour as the costume, with a mesh area around her mouth and nose, and the top left open to leave her hair free. Her eyes are augmented by the visor of her mask, a set of separate lenses that are connected to the rest of her headset, and most of her equipment. Powers: Hana Jameson possesses a parcel of abilities that all combine to make her far more of a threat than her diminutive size would otherwise suggest. The first one is perhaps the least well known, due to its relatively low impact effect. Hana is always at peak human condition, no matter what she eats, how she exercises, she is always at the very peak of human fitness, agility and strength. The second ability is her most noted, and that is due to its occasionally impressive physical effects. Hana is an inventor, a developer of fantastic technology, apparently in defiance of modern restrictions. This allows her to create compact forms of common technologies, as well as creating some other, far more advanced technologies such as blasters and advanced gyroscopes. Simple compaction of technology, such as communicators, is relatively simple, and she can create and maintain a number of such things without too much exertion. However, the more advanced the technology, or the larger it is, the harder it is for her to maintain or create more equipment. This means she can help by equipping teammates, but doing so reduces her abilities to intervene directly with more powerful pieces of technology. Skills: Krav Maga, Kickboxing, Wadu Ryu, first aid trained, computer programming Equipment: Motorbike, Utility belt containing wrist ties and a first aid kit. Various knick knacks and gadgets depending on what she was working on at the time. Ranking: B Brief History: Neoteris has a successful career behind her as a cape, one that only seems to be rising, if the records are accurate, then she has in fact been pursuing this career for a little over ten years, and her skills have only improved in that time. She has achieved a number of impressive collars in that time, including an SS ranked parahuman, though it put her in the hospital for six months. She is also one of the most experienced capes in Los Angeles, despite her young age compared to some, and is offered respect by even more powerful heroes in other cities.