[center][img]http://i60.tinypic.com/wwlov4.png[/img][/center] Hmm, they'd actually managed to evade security? That was easier than she thought it would be. Audrey caught her breath then turned to notice Lenore's outstretched hand and her bloody forehead. "You're bleeding," the girl pulled a handkerchief out of her jacket's pocket and handed it to the girl in front of her. Audrey took the girl's hand and shook it...wait Lenore? She paused and arched a questioning eyebrow at the girl. "Lenore from art class?" Hah, no wonder she looked so familiar. Lenore was quite the artist and now that Audrey could match her name to her face, she knew that rumors about the girl circulated around campus too. "We're in the same art class," she mumbled before a smile tugged on the corner's of her lips. "Professor Rhianon, right? I've seen you a couple of times in the theater too. I think you helped us out with the props once?" Audrey nodded her head, she was feeling less upset and more civil now that the cops were gone. "So, do you happen to know where here is? Last I checked I only had a glass...maybe two." The girl clucked her tongue and frowned. "Were you at the party? Because the most logical thing I can come up with, is that this," she threw out her hands and almost laughed. "this is all a collective hallucination caused by some shit strong alcohol." A lollipop pushing a baby carriage walked past and greeted them a good evening. She scowled, "or we're dead and this is what hell really looks like. Or it's heaven, though I always thought it'd be, more, y'know...shiny." --- [center][img]http://i59.tinypic.com/ao59v8.png[/img][/center] Nikolai nodded his head, "yeah...as soon as we know where to go, we'll get out of your hair. I'm really sorry." The midget gazed at them with wide-eyes and a frown. "Wait, wait, not from here. You tellin' me you dorks are humans?" He narrowed his eyes and his ears went red in frustration. "Oi, buddy boy with the poofy hair, you're tellin' me you're human? Did I get that right?" He jabbed his finger at Carlos' leg. "Yes, we're human." Niko's eyebrows were drawn together in concern. The Midget stopped his assault and looked down at the floor worriedly. "You gotta be kidding me?" "No, we aren't." Niko pulled out his ID. "We're students at Kingswood University." "Crumpets!" The red-faced midget had gone pale and he ran a shaky hand through his slicked-back hair. "You two are for real?" When Niko nodded his head the Midget closed his eyes and sighed. "It really is happening, I can't believe it. I kept telling myself it was just a rumor, y'know but then yous two come crashing in and everything just goes to hell, you hear me? To hell! It's really happening..." He yelled at the spoon for a bottle of their most expensive wine. Niko looked at Carlos with wide eyes then turned to stare at the midget. "Wait, what's happening." He kept his eyes focused on the floor. "The world's gonna end. Not just your world, but our world too."