[center] [img=https://static1.e621.net/data/ef/8d/ef8d0e8f8acca09b1ad731dd7e00a9f4.jpg] Tales of Kadasia History of Kadasia [/center] A once peaceful land the Continent of Kadasia was, swaths of land ruled by tribes of Beast People. Then the humans came, they introduced their technology and their ideas of ruling others. The beast people accepted this at first allowing the humans to live on their land after they had destroyed and ruined their own with violent magic. It was at this point that the humans began to corrupt and oppress the Beast Folk trying to conquer and control them in every way. This was not to be though, before long several of the beast folk rose up and rallied the peoples of their lands and fought against the humans. They destroyed them through vicious bloody battles that pushed them over the mountains into the lands where no beast folk would tread. It was in the aftermath of the defeat of the humans that the beast folk decided to split the land into several territories each controlled by one of the leaders who rallied the rebellion against the humans. The land of Kadasia was split into several territories, The Kingdom of Mako ruled by the Lion Lords of the plain, The Council of Mystics lead by the snake Magisters of the forest, The Band of Stone a ruthless warband lead by the Rhino Warlord cracked horn, the Mysterious tribes of Hyena which exist in the dark forest existing of ranks of Warrior women who rule over men, and finally the southern most territory Black Paw a land ruled by a council of equal beast folk and lead militarily by a single Bear folk of the Krixus Clan. It wasn’t long though before new wars would raise up between these lands and against the monstrous tribes that had begun springing up all over Kadasia ever seen Magic had been born unto it. Blood was shed left and right always ending in a stalemate that no one could seem to gain a foothold anywhere with. Now the territories have been staying away from each other allowing travel and trade between their territories, though they seem to be wary of outsiders. This has brought about new enemies though, the goblins and orcs who seek to raid the lands who are to busy looking over their shoulders to guard their roads, bandits who seek to take advantage of the traders traveling back and forth between cities and villages. IN this new era of crime a neutral entity has rose to defend the lands not on behalf of the kingdoms and councils and governments, but on behalf of the people. They travel the lands working for the people to defend them from these threats, but taking only what is given to them and not accepting payment. They are called the Beggar Guard. IC INFO [hider=Kingdoms and Rulers] Kingdom of Mako: The kingdom of Mako has long been ruled by the Lion Lords of the plains and they seek simply to keep the peace for their own land while at the same time keeping a strong trade to improve their peoples, this greedy view of the world around them has lead other territories to frown upon the Lion Lords who think themselves better than the others. [img=http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/036/8/9/lion_warrior_1_by_orochi_spawn-d5tzriv.jpg] Current Ruler: King Kajal of the Lion Lords if the current ruler and has been for the past ten years. He is a powerful and courageous creature with the respect of his peers and his people. Location/Cities: The Kingdom resides in the North just south of the Mountains where no beast folk shall tread. The capital is the city of Manes where the Lion Lords reside and their main bastion of soldiers are kept, the city that resides on the border of Mako is a large a fortress city by the name of Duros surrounded by wall of stone that stand hundreds of feet tall and seem impenetrable. Council of Mystics, The Serpents Forest: This land lay shrouded in mystery to those who cannot see magic or use magic, it would seem like a simple series of cities that are linked together by bridges through the trees. This is not the case though every step intot he world is filled with magic and those that wish those who reside here harm quickly find out that it is not defenseless as it seems. [img=http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/016/e/5/serpent_witch_by_d8p-d4mj5qq.jpg] Current Ruler: The Land is ruled by ten council members each one has mastered a different style of magic and they are all serpents. Location/Cities: The Serpents Forest is located to the west and just south of Mako, it has many cities though all of them are connected and simply referred to as The Binding Bridge. The Band of Stone: These people are a warrior people who have come together after finding that their violent tendencies are not welcome in the norms of society in other lands, they are truly mixed revere only strength. They are nomadic and move place to place, they are easy to find though simply look for the hundreds of thousands of warriors moving in a huge train of mounts and wagons as they raid villages and cities of the lands. [img=http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/308/8/e/raeb_by_rhandi_mask-d5k09ps.jpg] Current Ruler: Warlord Dallus, he is a brutal and efficient man and has deemed himself the most powerful of the warband, he has also repealed laws amongst the warband against eating fellow beast folk finding that it brings more powerful predators to his side. Locations/Cities: None they are a nomadic roaming warband. Hyena Tribes: The tribes set are in the dark forests of the east where no one dare tread unless they wish to trade and be peaceful for to provoke violence in these forests is to bring death upon yourself. Amazon like Hyena women roam these forests killing any who wish them harm and allowing trade from any of those with good intentions. [img=https://www.weasyl.com/static/character/27/6f/fe/3f/e1/c0/kikivuli-5947.cover.png] Current Ruler: Queen Asha she rules as a Mother would tender to her children yet protective and ready to punish those who threaten her home and way of life both from within and without. Location/Cities: The Dark forests are set in the east and filled with ancient ruins from before anyone can remember, these ruins have no name and are inhabited by the Hyena in a rather tribal nature. The Black Paw: A land of peaceful warriors who thrive on the ideas of serenity and peace, they fight when needed and aid those who are being oppressed, it was the original ruler of this city who brought all the tribes together to fight the humans in the first place. This is also where the Beggar guard resides [img=http://mayhemandmuse.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/Digital-fantasy-painting-by-Sandara-of-a-mother-bear-warrior-and-her-cub-in-a-bipedal-stance.jpg] Current Ruler: Matron Kodak Krixus currently rules black paw roaming from town to town city to city with her cub teaching him how to be a fair and just ruler. Location/City: The capital city is White Claw a beautifully built city and surrounded on all sides by the smaller villages, Black Paw is located in the south of the Land. Other lands /villages: I am leaving this completely up to the players, I will allow them to create territories, villages cities etc within reason. Anything that requires a new ruler or a new territory will need approval, but villages and cities within the precreated nations are perfectly fine as it would take forever for me to name EVERY city, town and village. [/hider] Current political/war situations: Currently only Black Paw and the Band of Stone are at odds as the Band of Stone is raiding villages within the Black Paw territory. Monsters etc: Orcs, Goblins, Trolls, they’re all here, even dragons, just.. don’t run into a dragon. OOC Info Rules 1. Be polite 2. Respectful 3. No mary sues or gary sues 4. This is not a “furry” RP so no cartoony stuff, this is realistic anthros 5. No power playing or metagaming 6. Lets have fun. 7. Smokem if you gotem. Character Creation Information You are not restricted to playing the animals that rule the kingdoms, any non water based mammal, any reptile (Excluding dragons), any marcupial and any amphibian are allowed. (that being said you cannot play a ruler, or any precreated character. Though can play family members of such characters) No mixed anthro races, I don’t wanna see a rainbow colored wolf with eagle wings and raptor legs. [hider=CS Skeleton] Name: Race: (As I said above) Appearance: (Pictures are welcome, well drawn art only though no photoshops and no cartoony pictures. Written descriptions are acceptable, but you know the saying is a picture is worth a thousand words.) Age: (Beastfolk age like humans thought hey live about 100 years longer Gender: (Obvious… Hermaphrodites are welcome, but I’d rather you have a good reason to be one.) Skills: (Give me your skills!) Abilities: (this includes magic and other feats that average folk would not be capable of) Equipment/Gear/Weapons/Armor: Organization: (Do you belong to any? Are you a royal guard? A noble family member, part of the beggar's guard are you a bandit?) Personality: History: (2 paragraph minimum. By my definition of paragraph I want about 100 words. ) [/hider]