Pullo didn't even try to follow Missile's ramblings, he had enough difficulty with that when he was soberish. Since he was experiencing mini blackouts mid-sentence he felt it was a lost cause and just hoped she would lead him to food, preferably cantaloups, he would try and indicate that he wanted cantaloups. The bard offered no resistance as his girlfriend hauled him across the bar but he didn't help much either simply stumbling in the direction she dragged him in. Arriving at the booth Pullo collapsed onto the table resting his head on his arms, his bedraggled hair covering most of his face. “Cantoloups... big juishy melons...” the bard smirked when prompted for an order, “and beer, lottsa beer... ... too drunk fo' a bottle.” Pullo looked around and could no longer spot Bruce, he wondered how much time he'd spent blacked out and starring off into space. “Missile, I need breakfast. Please make sure they bring me food.” Pullo felt very helpless, everything was closing in on him and he wanted to run but he couldn't even find his feet.