Name: Victor Sageas (Crest) Alias(s): Lupus Age: 27 Affiliations: He likes to dance the lines of good and bad, he will help his fellow mutants and kill any human who would dare threaten them. He could most easily be classified as a merc. Description: [IMG][/IMG] He is always in this costume, on occasion he will be seen with a trench coat and cowboy hat on over it. Powers: Capable of tapping into his primal instincts, he is also capable of enhancing his physical characteristics. He is gifted with canine like prowess, enhanced smell, sight, and hearing, he also has larger canines and longer stronger claw like finger nails. Skills: He is an above average fighter and marksmen. Equipment: None of any importance. Ranking: C Rank History: His history is a blur and will be slowly explained through posts and such.