Welcome, VanceXentan!~ I have heard a lot of good things about Kino's Journey before, and may I say is sounds like a very interesting anime. I will make sure to add it to my list. [quote=vancexentan] It's a tie really three ways actually so I've divided them into categories Action: Hajime No Ippo Mecha: New Mobile Report Gundam Wing Comedy: Baka and Test runners up being: Space Dandy and Sekirei (mostly due to the amount of fan service in the latter making it a bit hard to watch at times despite it being a relatively good anime.) [/quote] I have never heard of Hajime No Ippo or Sekirei. I will, however, argue that Space Danny and Baka no Test are not underrated. I have seen both of they and know quite a lot of people who enjoy those series, especially Baka no Test. I am interested why you do think they are underrated, though. As for Gundam, I have never seen any of the series, but I thought they all did fairly fell. I guess I was wrong. As for myself, I am aware of a few underrated anime and manga, but I want to shed light on one in particular. That being Gatchaman Crowds. This anime aired a year ago and at the time I didn't know of anyone else who was watching it. To this day, I have only met a few of people who have watched the series, all of them saying that they loved it. Here is a [url=http://myanimelist.net/anime/18229/]link[/url] to a synopsis since I am a bit too tired to write one myself. As a brief summary, I would like to say that not only does this anime look and sound fantastic, but all it characters are enjoyable and how it handles the characterization is genius. This anime also contains some of the most unique and beautiful mecha designs I have ever seen. Am I saying this anime is one of the best anime I have ever seen? No, no I am not, but it does diverse a lot more attention then it has received. So, if you like action-based anime with a bit of a psychological twist and aren't afraid of some moe, give this anime a try.