[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/ENMawdn.png[/img][/center] As the midget would speak, Carlos would listen and from what he said it definitely wasn’t good. First, he was so astonished and surprised that Carlos and the other one were humans. Actually, he seemed more than shocked. The midget actually seemed in disbelief. When he asked them if they were sure, the guy next to Carlos actually pulled out his ID. As if he had never heard of rhetorical questions or even sarcasm. Carlos would look to the midget would go on about something happening, especially with the two of them here. When the guy next to him asking what exactly that was, the midget would reveal that both worlds — this one they’re in now and the one they were from — would be coming to an end. Now, of course, Carlos was totally shocked by this, but he thought the midget was full of shit. Then again, just them being in this strange, new world was proof enough that anything could happen. [b]“What do you mean it’s coming to an end?”[/b] Carlos asked as he tried to remain as calm as he could. The midget, not really able to cope with it, drank glass after glass. [b]“The borders…they’re coming down.”[/b] He said almost in a trance, and probably a bit of disbelief. Carlos would look at the midget and then to the only other human. [b]“Oh, before we even continue, I’m Carlos Santiago, part-time DJ, and full-time cool guy.”[/b] He said holding out his hand as if that were the most important thing at the moment. ----- [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/hId65CO.png[/img][/center] When Lenore had introduced herself, Audrey would shake her hand, but not before mentioning that her head was bleeding. And of course, she would state that she remembered Lenore from Professor Rhianon’s art class. Lenore would nod as if confirming what she said was true. She would also state that she remembered Lenore helping out with the props for the theature. Again, Lenore would nod confirming it, though she did it rather oddly and making ‘mhm, mhm’ sounds as she would do it. After that was settled, Audrey would ask her where they were. Lenore would say something, but Audrey again would speak, asking Lenore if she was at that part on campus earlier. Lenore was getting annoyed that Audrey wouldn’t give her enough time to respond. Then, as if she wasn’t annoyed enough, Audrey would go on and on about how what they’re all seeing was hallucinations or that they might be dead and what they see all around them was what heaven looked like. Lenore was getting angry with her now. And then a loud clap was heard. Only, it wasn’t a clap. It was a slap and it was from Lenore to Audrey’s left cheek. The slap would leave a big red, handprint on her cheek. Lenore was shaking her hand as if trying to dull out her hand from the pain it was in from the slap. [b]“I didn’t want to do that, but you seriously talk too much.” [/b]She said holding her hand. [b]“Before you go wondering on what is, maybe we should politely ask someone where we are?”[/b] She said so bluntly as if insulting Audrey. Lenore would walk on up to a homeless, pink deer playing the drums.[b] “Excuse me sir, can you help us?”[/b] she said politely. [b]“Sure dolly, but it’ll cost ya.” [/b]He said winking at her. [b]“Of course big boy. “[/b] She said slightly raising her skirt up, revealing red and black lace. The deer was getting excited, but then she pinned him the wall by his antlers, and leaned in close, covering his mouth with her free hand. [b]“Now, I will give it to you good if you tell me just one thing.”[/b] She told him. [b]“Nod if you agree.”[/b] The deer nodded. [b]“Good, good. Now where are we?”[/b] She asked him. Lenore removed her hand from his mouth. “You’re in the Magical Realm.” [/b]He stated, fearing for his life by the hands of Lenore. [b]“Magical realm? What do you mean?” “Just as I said. You’re in the realm where all things magical exist with one another.” “How is that possible? It’s just fairy tails and stories. “To you maybe, but to us, you humans are fairy tails and stories.”[/b] As they went back and forth, Lenore let him go, to which he gathered his things and departed. Lenore turned to Audrey. [b]“This is getting really bizarre.”[/b] She bit her thumb between her lips.