[center][img]http://i60.tinypic.com/wwlov4.png[/img][/center] Her cheek stung, Audrey brought a hand to her face and for a moment stood there, trying to register what had happened. Her free hand clenched into a fist, Lenore had slapped her. "What..." her eyebrows furrowed in irritation. Who did this girl think she was? Audrey was stunned by the sudden action and watched as the girl began threatening one of the strange creatures of whatever the hell this place was. Lenore threatened him and Audrey raised her eyebrows at the scene. This girl was a pyscho wasn't she? As soon as Lenore came back, Audrey scowled, she had a hand over her reddening cheek. "You sure discovered something new." Audrey rolled her eyes, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "I [i]really[/i] thought this world was normal before you asked Mr. deer all about it." Her opinions on Lenore had been turned upside down. When she realized they were in the same art class she was kind of glad, but now...well, she didn't like the girl and had they not been the only humans in this topsy turvy world she would have left. "You didn't have to slap me," the girl muttered before glaring at her schoolmate. "Did the deer tell you something useful?" She asked as if everything else he had told her was plain as day. "Maybe something that involves...oh I don't know, us getting out of here." --- [center][img]http://i59.tinypic.com/ao59v8.png[/img][/center] "Borders?" Nikolai mumbled. "The thing that keeps our worlds apart." He narrowed his eyes at Carlos, "Dominick," he didn't bother to slap the DJ's hand. He then turned to look at Niko, the boy was holding his fedora between his hands and he looked deathly pale. "Nikolai," he finally mumbled, but even he didn't reach out to shake Carlos' hand. He was clutching his hat between his fingers to keep his hands steady after all. "Hey...Dominick, when did this start happening?" The midget reeked of alcohol. "Two months ago, rumors began spreading. People from our world would go missing." Niko's eyes went wide. The same had been happening in the human world. People would just disappear without a trace and some would come back while others wouldn't and sometimes there would be strange sightings of weird creatures. "The news," he clenched his fists until his knuckles turned while. "Carlos...the missing people, their claims of bizarre things happening. Holly strawberry tart!" He leaped to his feet, eyes wide. "It all adds up...we've gone missing now."