These characters! I love them! :D However, a few questions/clarifications: @LionHeart: Garret is a terrific character, I love it. However, his weapon, I'm going to need some clarification... When you say it never separates from his body... Is it "soulbound" (I guess this is the best way of saying this) or like Venom's symbiote (if you're familiar with this)? Also, when it is "thrown like a javelin," does it act like [url=]this[/url]? As in, it never leaves his body, but rather stretches? Finally, how much of this weapon can covert as a armor while being wielded as a weapon? @Kilo Glad to see that you're excited about the RP! :D Also, love Walter. Kind of reminds me of Deadpool a little bit, haha. However, I do need one more thing before I can approve this character. I need to know the exacts of "The Storm's" bullet choice. I know this can be a bit of a pain in the ass, but I also don't want you resorting a situational bullet type to get out of a tight spot... You know, "Oh, I see you are using a fire-reliant baddy. It just so happens I have a cyrobullet that can freeze you right here, right now!" Wouldn't want to make it too easy for Walter, now would we? ;D [quote=Boboclown89] I'm not going to be able to he in this, sorry guys :( [/quote] And I'm sorry to hear that! :c But yes. Looks like all the available slots are filled, so I won't be taking any more new players! However, if you want to be placed on the waiting list, I'll be more than happy to do so. :3 EDIT: Added one important detail to the first post, but for convenience, I'll put it below: [quote=Rhaevnn Xeno] [u]Also, take note:[/u] I will only be posting once a week, usually on the weekend! The pace of this RP could be considered slow, however, that is completely up to you as the player. If you're in the middle of conversation with another player and want to have a lengthy conversation, want to monologue about a certain ongoing event, or if you even want to have a flashback while quietly sipping a drink at a bar, [i]be my guest[/i]. I love character development![/quote]