Hey guys =3 I was going to write last night, but unfortunately my laptop decided "Nope, time for bed. Shutting off!" and I couldn't revive it at all. Thus excuse me for the late reply. Just a small note that I wrote a few movements yesterday. I didn't like the sound of the Fool's first movement, thus I edited it. I'll try to make it to the Wheel of Fortune today and maybe a bit further. It really depends, because today is the start of the school year >_< Time to get out of the summer cocoon and fly through the plains of knowledge. As for when the role-play itself will start, I believe it's safe to say that once Spark has finished their character's personality, Alida has edited her character's personality and Vulpes and Dove have finished their sheets, we will be able to start. Vulpes, Dove, I hope you're not trying out for the Hermit or the Hanged Man. X3 Dove, if you ever need an anime picture, I'm here. I have a nice collection of pictures on my laptop and I've been told I have a knack for finding pictures for others. =3 Regarding your inquiry Vulpes, I personally dislike specifying the year of any story, due to the high risk of complications that may arise during the role-play itself. You see, if we were to state that the story begins and unfolds in 2014, there will inevitably come a time when our characters are still in 2014, whilst we ourselves are in 2015. There is a good chance of problems arising, because we would like something to happen and that said something requires something from 2015, in order to exist. That is why I prefer to introduce an "our time" element ( year 20XX ), a time that is simply the present, but we have not stated if it is ours or not. When it comes to world history, no, the history of this world is not entirely the same as the history of our own. While major events, such as World War I and II, did occur, more resent events, namely approximately 20 years ago, did not, because of the initiation of the Miktiopolis project and other decisions that followed. Here are some examples: [b]1.[/b] [u]Zapatista Army of National Liberation in Mexico did not form.[/u] Women rights were accepted, though. [b]2.[/b] [u]The Mexican peso crisis did not occur.[/u] This allowed Mexico to flourish, until it decided to make a miktiopolis on its territory. Wanting to be the top shareholder, a lot of money was poured into the project. This lead to many new jobs in the building industry, but also loss of jobs, low salaries and, eventually, poverty. This lead to the creation of MAM [ Mexicans Against Miktiopolis ], a national movement against the creation of the city. The protests were bloodless at first, but gradually grew violent and weapons got involved. This lead to other big shareholders, such as UK, Germany and India, to back off and even attempt to stop the Mexican project. The other two major shareholders, the USA and Russia, remained for, until Russia also took its leave and only the USA, Brazil and China were left on Mexico's side. Due to the great amount of foreign and local pressure, the Mexican government stopped their project. "La Estella" as it was called is not a semi-ghost town, with mostly the homeless and poor living there illegally. Many gangs have also taken residence there, seeing as there's barely any control in that area. All the money that was poured into the project was forever lost and Mexico in the role-play's present world is in a deep economic crisis. [b]3.[/b] [u]The Siege of Sarajevo did not happen so bloodily.[/u] The Bosnian government managed to stop the Bosnian Serbs quickly and restored peace efficiently. It should be noted that Bosnia and Herzegovina managed to take a part of modern day western Serbia into their territory when they fought for independence. [b]4.[/b] [u]There was no Second Chechen War.[/u] With the intention of building a miktiopolis nearby, the Russians had a better organization and aid from Germany, one of the future share holders. They crushed the revolts, but that doesn't mean that the people have taken in their failure well. [b]5.[/b] [u]Muammar Gaddafi is still alive.[/u] He was not killed and is still ruling Libiya. [b]6.[/b] [u]The death tole in Egypt was smaller during the Arab Spring.[/u] Yes, the Arab Spring did happen, but the casualties were less in Egypt and Yemen. Iraq, Libiya dn Siria are still a mess, though. There are many events that happened, some of which will be revealed in the role-play. If there is a specific event you want to ask about, please post here =3