[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/ENMawdn.png[/img][/center] As Dominick would explain the whole situation of the borders, Carlos listened intently. That’s when Nikolai would finally say his name and Carlos, among all the craziness at the moment, would acknowledge it. Then, he turned his attention back to Dominick who was in the process of stating that two months ago strange things happened that included disappearances from this world to the human world. When Niko would state that the same thing happened in their world, Carlos would sigh. Trying to process all of this, Carlos would wave to the spoon waiter. She came over. [b]“Can I help you darling?” [/b]She asked. [b]“Yes, I’ll have a shot of whiskey please.” “Right away hun!”[/b] And with that, she would go off to give him his shot of whiskey. In a minute, he would have it and he downed it. [b]“Okay, that’s better.” [/b]He said shaking his head fast and turned his attention tot eh topic at hand. [b]“If that’s true, how do we even get back?” [/b]Carlos asked himself and also would be open to the others to answer as well. ----- [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/hId65CO.png[/img][/center] When Lenore got back from manhandling the deer, she went back to Audrey who was holding her cheek. She didn’t know why, but Lenore didn’t bother to ask. She just would listen to the redhead about she didn’t have to slap her and asking Lenore about what she found out. Lenore sighed, placed her hands on her hip, and would just speak. [b]“Well, I didn’t find out how we could get out of here, but I did find out that we’re in some magical realm. It would seem a bit polar to our own.” [/b] She said scratching her head.[b] “You know, something about this fit’s a story I saw on the news.”[/b] She said, [b]“don’t you remember? The story about people going missing since two months ago and no one found them. Like, their bodies were never found, but their belongings were left.”[/b] Lenore continued, [b]“I don’t know if this is the place that they ended up at, but if so, then maybe there are more humans like us here.” [/b]She said, wondering if there were other humans around.