"Honestly, I'm not entirely certain. From what we can see, AWE is a highly advanced plug-and-play psychosurgery suite, but considering it's efficiency, I'm expecting some black budget level tech, especially since Lam Cong Dong got it from Cognite. AWE is loaded in Nana Buluku, biggest server on Legba. Airgapped, full time security and surveillance, only ones allowed in are Nazon and Elleggua. We give them stacks with egos and the settings for AWE and they bring them back after it's done working. I don't exactly know what security procedures they've got going on, but it's certainly well rigged." "As for the uneasiness, I'd say that comes from the power plays going on between each Nanchon and Nazon. Most of N.L. members don't really care about the Houngan's research... Just the end results."