[quote=Dervish] People who use irregardless. It isn't a word, and regardless means exactly what they are trying to say. [/quote] [quote=Ruby] Indeed. WHY are they trying to say?<3 [/quote] [url=http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/irregardless]It is a real word[/url] that is essentially a way to add emphasis to a statement. "You should probably walk down the street regardless." "Irregardless, you should probably walk down the street." These have the exact same meaning. It's known as a nonstandard word. That is all. Here, have a ferret. [img]http://th01.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2013/034/1/a/ferret_by_littleulvar-d5tpv1b.png[/img]