With the opening ceremony starting soon Maia had to move along, driving away to the parking spaces so that she could park up, take out one of her simple folding swords before taking off her biking leathers, her uniform was under them thankfully. Soon enough she was making her way into the already crowded hall, the head master sipping from his cup as he continued his speech. "I will try to keep this as brief as possible... You have come here today in search of knowledge, to hone your craft and acquire new skills. After all is said and done you plan on dedicating your lives for the protection of the people... Noble... However, you lack the drive to do so. Knowledge can only take you so far but you must have the will in order to face what is out there, and over the coming years we will see if you truly have what it takes." Maia looked a little confused by the rather strange speech by the head master, only to have her attention captured again by the head teacher taking over. "You will all be spending the night in the ball room. Tomorrow your initiation starts... Be ready, and good luck."