Alex saw the soldiers in front of him essentially vaporize and he quickly made his way back to Six. 066 called out to him through the chaos and asked for him to take care of Lucky. He nodded to Six and yelled over to Shin. "Work with her. She needs some fun. I have to help some others!" With that, he waded through the people until he reached Lucky and 066. Both looked about ready to pass out. "Come on you two, I have a shoulder for each." He knelt down and hefted Lucky onto his right shoulder, careful to minimize the discomfort as much as possible. He then got over to 066 and did the same for his left shoulder. "You should probably rest. I can lead the others out and direct survival needs. I am no good at persuasion, but once they see me carrying you, I expect they will be willing to follow my directions until you recuperate."