[img=http://hydra-media.cursecdn.com/mtgsalvation.gamepedia.com/2/2b/Guilds_of_Ravnica.png] Welcome to Ravnica, a plane filled with cities and guilds. The Guilds of Ravnica are ten sociopolitical factions with their unique identities. In the city and plane of Ravnica, some individuals are affiliated with one of them. Each guild has its own distinct ideology that unifies its members with one another and the guild itself, functions and purposes, as well as a structure, if any at all. Collectively, the guilds of Ravnica have ruled the plane for 10,000 years, since the signing of the ancient and magically potent Guildpact, a binding spell, document, and contract, that details the specific role and responsibilities of each of these guilds. [hider=CS] Name Age: Gender: Race Guild: Why you are in (guild name here): Magic abilities (if any): Personality: Appearance: Other: [/hider] The Guilds [hider=Boros Legion] [img=http://magicrelatedarts.files.wordpress.com/2012/10/ravnica_guild_level_1_boros_art.jpg] Slot: Maki Casanova Founded by parun Razia, a militant flaming-sword-wielding archangel capable of using flame and light magic who fervently and firmly believes in harmonious coexistence on Ravnica, even if lives are lost and blood is shed in achieving this, the Boros Legion functions as the righteous and zealous constabulary and standing army of Ravnica, as the League of Wojek and Boros Army, respectively, and enforces Ravnican laws created by the Azorius Senate. The Boros Legion has a complicated, contrived, and highly stratified hierarchy, with the upper levels comprising angels and guildmages and lower levels comprising the League of Wojek and the Boros Army. Within the lower levels, Boros Army officers that outrank League of Wojek officers may issue orders to such individuals; but, the reverse is not true for League of Wojek officers that outrank Boros Army officers. [hider2= The Ranks] [b] The Angels [/b] Angels are above and outside of the regular hierarchy. They provide inspiration and direction. Only occasionally do they swing their fiery swords in battle. Any angel of any status outranks a mortal Boros member and they may utilize any magical ordinance. [U]Power Band 1: Razia, Boros Archangel[/u] The parun and guild leader of the Boros Legion, Razia is at the top of the guild. Military leader and icon, inspiration and demi-god, all within the Legion know of her and all respect her. Power Band 2: Angelic Warleaders Wise and ancient, these angels serve as the tacticians of the guild and as counselors to the Archangel. They chart spiritual campaigns over hundreds of years. They set the dogma of the guild, making certain that it reflects the command of their leader. Power Band 3: Firemane Angels These angels are not involved in strategy or politics. Instead, they are incarnations of war, serving in the capacity of holy warriors. Power Band 4: Warrior Angels Soldiers, they are the rank and file of the angel echelon. Power Band 5: Guildmage The Boros Guildmage is the highest power band among Boros mortals. The Guildmage is the only rank that may initiate contact with the angels. They receive orders from the angels and pass it along to the commanders of the Boros Army and the League of Wojek. League of Wojek and Boros Army Below the rank of Guildmage, the Legion splits in half. The League of Wojek is the official law enforcement of the districts of the Ravnica City. Many ranks with the League and the Army share a power band, however, a member of the Army may give order to a lower ranking Wojek while a Wojek cannot give orders to a lower ranking member of the Army. Commander-General Power Band 6 There are two Commanders-General within the Boros Legion, one for the Wojek and one for the regular army. They are masters of war and strategy as well as administration. Section Commander Power Band 7 There are ten section commanders within the League of Wojek, one for each of the districts of Ravnica City. A Boros or Wojek of power band 7 or higher can activate a Sentinel Titan, a colossal statue. Each of Ravnica City’s districts is guarded by a Sentinel Titan. Shift Captain and Skyknight Captain Power Band 8 The Wojek Shift Captains commands Wojek on a smaller scale than the Section Commander but is still in charge of a lot of Wojek. They are the highest rank that patrol the streets. The Skyknight Captains command not only their Skyknights but also the rest of the Boros soldiers. Their position in the skies gives them a great vantage point from which to command a battle. Skyknight Captains are on the ground as often as they’re in the air so as to communicate with the ground troops. Wojek Embermage Power Band 9 They are the combat mages of the League of Wojek. The Wojek do not rely on the power of the Guildmages and so the Embermages are there to back them up when the hand-to-hand combat gets a little sticky. Lieutenant / Skyjek and Skyknight Legionnaire Power Band 10 The most clever and experienced of the street patrol Wojek hold the rank of Lieutenant. They answer directly to the Shift Captain. Ace fighters in the air, the Skyknight Legionnaires and the Skyjeks hold the respect and awe both of the Boros rank and file and of the Ravnica citizenry. Sergeant and Sunhome Enforcer Power Band 11 Sergeants are standard street patrollers while Sunhome Enforcers are soldiers who have proven themselves worthy of guarding the Sunhome fortress. Wojek Apothecary and Flame-Kin Power Band 12 Healers of the League of Wojek, the Wojek Apothecary are necessary in the many scrapes that occur on the streets. The flame-kin are bipedal elementals that have been touched by the angels of the Boros. They are passionate zealots loyal to the cause of the Legion. Constable and Commando Power Band 13 Wojek constables take care of the menial tasks that need taking care of if the League is to function properly and the relative peace of the citizens is to be maintained. Boros Commandos are good soldiers perfect for what is commonly called ‘Hammer Duty’. Many of the Commandos are Ordruun, a race of minotaurs. Ordruun Commandos outnumber human Commandos. Thundersong Trumpeter Power Band 14 Though the Trumpeters do not patrol the streets like the ‘jeks and do not occupy the trenches like the rest of the army, they outrank all low level soldiers. This puts them in a bit of an awkward position. They are not particularly skilled in combat, but they are a part of the pomp and circumstance that portrays the Boros Legion. They strike fear into the heart of the enemy, intimidate them, with their song. The Grunts Collectively referred to as "the Grunts," the common rank-and-file mortals within the guild make up the majority of the manpower. Full of courage and protected by numbers, these are the common soldiers and police. [/hider2] [/hider] [hider=Azorius Senate] [img=http://media.wizards.com/ContentResources/Magic/PlaneswalkerPoints/Achievements/RAVNICA_OUT_FOR_BLOOD_1_Azorius_Art.jpg] Slot: OPEN Founded by parun Supreme Judge Azor I, a human lawmage who authored a majority of the original Guildpact, the Azorius Senate functions as the government of Ravnica and creates Ravnican laws. Believing their legislation to be the singular force that prevents Ravnica from descending into chaos, the Azorius Senate mediates and regulates the activities of all of the other guilds and of the plane despite numerous of their decrees being ignored. The Azorius Senate are characterized as being aloof, bureaucratic, excessively formalistic, and fastidious, spending hours upon hours with legal documents and ensuring action, if any should occur, stringently adheres to protocol. For such reasons, the Azorius are deeply disdained by Ravnicans, whom the Azorius believe will effect a change and subsequent crime, chaos, and general decline in civic life. The Azorius are said to act through inaction. The Azorius Senate works alongside the Boros Legion and Selesnya Conclave to see to the enforcement of the law and the Orzhov Syndicate, to the provision of advocates and lawmages for accusers/claimants/complainants/plaintiffs and defendants. Ultimately, however, the Azorius advocates for blind justice, peace, and the status quo, doing so via their intrinsic involvement in all affairs on Ravnica and with their legions of knights and paladins as well as mages adept in countermagic, magic to disable and hinder those who would break the law, and other law magic. The rigid hierarchy of the Azorius Senate is reflected in the guild's triangle-shaped crest; most Azorius functionaries report to one superior, and are reported to by two subordinates. [/hider] [hider=Selesnya Conclave] [img=http://media.wizards.com/ContentResources/Magic/PlaneswalkerPoints/Achievements/RAVNICA_GUILD_LEVEL_1_Selesnya_Art.jpg] Slot: Open Founded by parun Mat'Selesnya, a female humanoid elemental formed via the fusion of dryads, the Selesnya Conclave is a decentralized collective variably described as a "selfless, nurturing, spiritual group" or a "brainwashing nature cult", and involves itself in the establishment and maintenance of peace, life, and unity in Ravnica. Despite their superficial appearance of being a "good" and "peace-loving", in truth the guild, is hypocritical and as sinister, if not more so, as other Ravnican guilds. The Conclave often employs its quietmen and other members to silence the civilians of Ravnica and wreak havoc. The defenders of the Selesnya are the Ledev guardians. In addition to these guards, the quiet-men used to guard Vitu-Ghazi, but Szadek, Lord of Secrets gained control of them and used them to wreak havoc. The main seat of Selesnya's power in the region of Utvara was Vitar Yescu, an enormous living tree that produced a pollen that served as an antigen to local plague. The head of Selesnya in Utvara was elven shapeshifter Wrizfar Barkfeather. After the Decamillennial, the decimated Wojek League turned to other guilds' similar organizations for temporary help. Many Selesnyan ledev thus serves as "apos", i.e. auxiliary patrol officers, with the wojeks. After the Decamillennial, a new half-military suborganization was also founded - the Knight Order of Mat'selesnya. During the events of Agents of Artifice, the Selesnya were lynched en masse due to the citizens realising their role in forcing the oppression of the guilds. However, they have returned. Selesnya is composed mainly of dryads. The "guild leader" of Selesnya in the Ravnica is a collective mind known as the Chorus of the Conclave, with the top members of the guild as figureheads. Mat'Selesnya now resides within Vitu-Ghazi, having offered herself to preserve order in Selesnya. Currently, three dryads, serving as the new guildmaster, serve as her voice. [/hider] [hider=Golgari Swarm] [img=http://www.wizards.com/magic/images/guildquiz/guildpage/GuildImage_Golgari_01.jpg] Slot: Negronomicon Founded by parun Svogthir, a human necromancer-turned-lich, the Golgari Swarm functions as the agricultural sector of Ravnican society.Following his mortal death, using his mastery of magic, Svogthir reanimated his own corpse and commenced body modification, by incorporating body parts from others, such as the chest of the Gruul Clans parun Cisarzim, into it, so as to create a more-perfect, stronger being. The Golgari Swarm is the embodiment and amalgamation of life and death. The guild believes that life and death are both natural and are essential to, and as essential as, one another, with life and death being natural elements of a cycle with no intermediary break. Growth, and thus power, however slowly but ruthlessly and inevitably, are key to the Swarm, As a consequence of their necromantic magic, the Golgari are the largest Ravnican guild. The Golgari Swarm is known to refer to, and revere, its parun, the legendary necromancer Svogthir, as the "god-zombie". The leadership of the Golgari was contested time and again, in large part due to the numerous factions vying for control of their guild. The most prominent among these were the Devkarin (dark elves), of which Savra was the head, and the Teratogens, which was predominantly composed of plant–zombie hybrids as well as, albeit to lesser extents, giant bats, gorgons, harpies, and other monstrous creatures. Up until the events of the Decamillennial, the Teratogens maintained hegemony over the Golgari Swarm. Less than a millennium prior to the Decamillennial, the Sisters of Stone Death, originally a quintet of gorgons, attempted to overthrow parun Svogthir. Although two of the sisters died, they were successful in their coup and were able to destroy, and rot away, all but Svogthir's head, which his necromantic magic kept intact. The remaining three sisters — Ludmilla, Lexya, and Lydya — kept Svogthir under arrest in a tomb in Grigor Canyon. At the turn of the Decamillennial, the Devkarin, led by matka (high priestess) Savra, who, with the help of the House Dimir parun and guildmaster Szadek, overtook control of the guild. Savra resurrected Svogthir, whom she used to overthrow the Sisters of Stone Death, and then used ancient, powerful matka magic to liberate his spirit from his head, so that she could add it to her scepter. Subsequent to this, Savra proclaimed herself as the new Golgari guildmaster. Power-hungry as always, Savra then attempted to infiltrate the Selesnya Conclave with her quietmen and tried to subtly sieze control of the Conclave; but, she was double-crossed by Szadek, who snapped her neck so as to weaken the Conclave. In Dissension, Szadek is defeated with the help of Savra's brother, Jarad, who assumes control of the Golgari Swarm. He was later sacrificed by Izolda (Lyzolda, the Blood Witch) as part of a ritual to arouse Rakdos, the parun of the Cult of Rakdos.[14] Jarad, however, "survives", by using necromancy to become a zombie/lich, and retains his mantle of leadership over the Golgari. The guildhall of the Golgari Swarm in the Ravnica block is Svogthos, a former elaborately decorated and gilded cathedral of the Orzhov Syndicate. Svogthos is a semi-living structure in which the detached, severed head of Svogthir, is housed,[4] and is claimed to move as the center of Golgari territory shifts. Jarad is the current guildmaster of the Golgari Swarm. After the dissolution of the guilds, the Golgari stayed more or less as they were. For 10,000 years, they had been the silent machine that kept the unsavory but essential parts of Ravnica running and knew no other life apart from the dank tunnels of the undercity. Jarad maintains his power, quelling without mercy any rumblings of mutiny or dissent from the Teratogens. He bides his time, knowing that the surface world is suffering without the structure and support of the guilds, and it is only a matter of time before things return to business as usual.[14] Korozda is the new Golgari guildhall, an arched cathedral surrounded by an immense, circular maze of overgrown, fungus-encrusted ruins. Korozda is the lair of guildmaster Jarad and the place where he meets with his irregular court of attendants. It’s patrolled by an array of swarming vermin, giant insects, and zombies. [/hider] [hider=Cult of Rakdos] [img=http://media.wizards.com/images/magic/daily/ur/ur216_rakdos_charm.jpg] Slot: [hider2=Daird] Name: Elric Rokunov Age: 27 Male Guild: Rakdos Human Why he's Rakdos: He grew up a street orphan, doing small magic performances to earn money. The local Rakdos Ringmaster noticed that he had particular talent with fire magic and set him to work in an act as "The Burning Man." His proudest achievement was getting to perform his act for Lyzolda, though she didn't seem to be too intested. Personality: Many would say that Elric is insane, but he's not. He does believe in living life to the fullest, and enjoys new experiences. He's been known to enjoy fine food and drink, and once got himself in debt to the Orzhov to cover his bills, though he did manage to pay them off. Magic: Pyromancy: This is what got him noticed in the first place, and is still his strongest magic. Though he's loathe to admit it, he also has several fire wards to protect him from harm during his act, though to be honest, he wouldn't survive it without them, and even then, it still puts him in extreme agony. Necromancy: Admittedly, he's not too good at this, but he was recently able to bring back a cat for the first time. Appearance: A tall, slim man, he has a scar on his left cheek from when one of his childhood acts went south. [/hider2] Founded by parun Rakdos, an ancient demon, the Cult of Rakdos attend to menial labor and the services industry, which includes some less-than-savory offerings, such as assassination, as well as more agreeable ones, such as the catering (i.e., food service) and entertainment industries. Like extreme utilitarians or hedonists, the Cult of Rakdos are a guild that places a premium on personal pleasure, or "fun", even if it cruelly causes pain and suffering to others and themselves. Some of the crueler, more evil, and more sadistic members of the Cult directly and intentionally inflict pain on others. Other than being a guild of miscreants, the Cult of Rakdos does have a civic function in Ravnican society per the Guildpact; some members work as manual laborers and even slaves. Rakdos is the undisputed center of attention of the Cult when he is awake; when the demon is hibernating, however, there is an acting guildmaster. At the time of the Decamillennial, the acting guildmaster was the human sorceress Izolda (or Lyzolda). Formally, the guild has no structure, and is not organized; however, members are affiliated with loose groups referred to as "rings", each of which is led by a ringmaster and with its own sphere of influence, commodities, and cult followers. [/hider] [hider=Gruul Clans] [img=http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-0WOcOZ9tmtY/ULfTzEUbdqI/AAAAAAAAAZc/HBB9UE_IiC0/s1600/Gruul-Guildgate-Gatecrash-Art-615x461.jpg] Slot: OPEN Before and for a short time after the signing of the Guildpact, the Gruul Clans were a wild and noble guild charged with maintaining the wild places on Ravnica. They were supposed to keep civilization in check. Civilization and the other nine guilds, however, overran every wild place on the planet. This changed the Gruul. As the wilds were torn down, so too were the Gruul's responsibilities taken from them. The Simic claimed jurisdiction over nature's future. The Selesnya preached about nature in order to bring it into its conclave. With their responsibilities taken over by others, they were seen as outside of the Guildpact and the Azorius began to write them out of the law. Outside the law, the Boros were not required to protect them and the Orzhov were free to enslave them. The Gruul decentralized, lacking any sort of real leadership. Now the guild is nothing but a loose affiliation of clans and they are angry. They have been exploited and ignored and they've had enough. They take any reason to cause chaos, any reason to destroy a symbol of civilization. It is common for Gruul clans to raid an area, destroy it, and live there until the resources gleaned from the destructive raid are used up. Once that happens, they move on to a new area, leaving smoldering ruins in their wake. Borborygmos is the largest and angriest of many large and angry clan leaders. He is not the official guildleader of the Gruul as there is little official about the guild, but when he gives orders, the Gruul listen. As his orders are in line with the rage of the abused guild, they are happy to do so. There is also Ulasht, the Hate Seed. Though it isn't a part of any clan, it is revered by many Gruul as a natural embodiment of pure destruction and mindless rage. Clans The Burning Tree Clan is the most influential in the guild, and is also the home of Borborygmos. They make sure that everyone in the Clans remembers who has held them down and destroyed their guild and then lets that rage loose on civilization. They are often tattooed with the crest of the guild. The Scab Clan is the most violent of the Gruul Clans for every member of it has been tortured, or mutilated, or crippled by the organizations of civilization. The members of this clan make up for physical deficiency by cooperating with each other. Little is known about the Ghor Clan, however, Rauck-Chauv, a holiday celebrated many times a year by the Gruul, is named after their two-headed leader. It is likely the Ghor are the most hedonistic clan. [/hider] [hider=Simic Combine] [img=http://www.magicspoiler.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/Simic-Guildgate-Gatecrash-Art-615x473.jpg] Slot: TheRider The Simic Combine is a green/blue guild from the plane and city of Ravnica. The original purpose of the Simic Combine was to preserve the health of all Ravnican life-forms. They were devoted to the study of life, medicines, and biomancy. But just as life can adapt, so did the Combine. Momir Vig, the Simic guildmaster, was dissatisfied with this original purpose and formed a new purpose: to improve upon life-forms of Ravnica. With the fall of Momir Vig, the Simic were left in desrepair, until Ravnica's subterranean merfolk emerged, and with them the new guildmaster, Zegana. The new Simic have returned to their holistic, druid-like roots, embracing the Upwelling/Holdfast principles. The emotionally distant relationship that the Simic biomancers have with the rest of Ravnica's society makes the common man wary of the guild, thinking of them as crazy mutant makers. Even so, the Simic make up the physicians of Ravnica and so injuries and illness are taken to the reputable doctors. Novijen is the genetics laboratory where the Simic design and perfect their biological experiments. It is a hybrid of living matter and sculpted stone held in place by thick cables designed to keep it isolated from the surrounding structures. Cytoplasts Cytoplasts are a bio-magical invention, of Momir Vig's design. Cytoplasts are small masses of living tissue, magical in nature, appearing as blue-green globules. These globules convey genetic information to and from any life-form they come into physical contact with. For example, if a cytoplast in contact with a giant is transferred to a human, the cytoplast then begins to incorporate into the human the physical strength of the giant. Cytoplasts also tend take on the physical characteristics of their hosts somewhat camouflaging themselves. Originally, cytoplasts were grafted onto hosts using surgery and magic. Momir Vig developed newer versions, however, that only needed to come into contact with a host in order to bond with it, but he did so planning to use them in his Project Kraj. Return to Ravnica block With the reemergence of the guilds and the rediscovery of Ravnica's long gone oceans, through the sinkholes known as Zonots, the Simic were remade from scratch. Embracing long-gone spiritual and holistic concepts, they rejected Momir Vig's corrupted philosophy, focusing on advancing nature through purely magical means. Because of their focus on the oceans, their new philosophy revolves around principles applied to sea-life: the Holdfast, the anchoring, isolationist motion; and the Upwelling, the expansive, upwards-going motion. With this, they form a compromise between isolation and influence on Ravnican society, preserving nature and allowing at least one spot of access to the underground oceans. Zegana is the guildmaster and speaker of Zonot One, the first to open. The seven Zonots are the focus of Simic activity, with Zonot Zeven being home to Zameck, the guildhall. Where other cultures are divided by species, caste or role, within the Simic Combine, members are divided by Clade. A Clade is a group that's focused on a specific aspect; for instance the Hull Clade focuses on protection, defense, and durability while the Gyre Clade focuses on cyclical patterns to redirect or nullify magic. [/hider] [hider=Orzhov Syndicate] [img=http://ertaislament.files.wordpress.com/2013/02/orzhov-guildgate.jpg] Slot: WatermelonTango The Orzhov Syndicate is the Ravnican guild of business, where the values of white and black meet, where the dead exist solely to rule. Nearly every business in Ravnica ties back to the Orzhov in some devious way or another. Whilst they bear the facade of a religious group and may well have been a true faith at the signing of the Guildpact, they now worship only profit and power. Their white flavor can be seen in that they have a strong sense of tradition and community, reflected by the fact that they still go through all of their ancient rituals and customs despite not truly worshipping any gods, and by that they hoard all their wealth to themselves but will gladly share with family members or close friends. Their black flavor can be seen in that they regularly deal with the dead, they never give to charity if they can help it, and continually violate the spirit of the law solely to meet their own ends. The Syndicate is famous for dealing with ghosts. They are presided over by a council of ghosts, the Obzedat, in Orzhova, the Church of Deals. Should somebody be in debt to them (as many are), that person must work off their debt even beyond the grave. The Orzhov work so thoroughly with death that they even know how to make thrulls out of the remains of the dead. The high-ranking members of the Orzhov use magical means to extend their lives, and are mutated in many ways that they pass on to their offspring. For example, one of Teysa Karlov's legs is practically useless, and therefore she has been forced to use a walking cane since she she learned to walk. [/hider] [hider=House Dimir] [img=http://media-dominaria.cursecdn.com/attachments/100/562/635032498247449200.jpg] Slot: Yahtzee House Dimir is one of the ten guilds of Ravnica. It is a guild of secrecy, manipulation and underhanded deals, a shadowy organization operating behind the scenes to twist Ravnica to its own ends. [1] [2] The guild provides espionage, smuggling, burglary, counter-intelligence, assassination and other illegal services for the Ravnican populace, although its patrons are unaware that they are in fact employing the guild, instead thinking they are employing guildless mercenaries or another guild such as the Rakdos. The guild is so secretive that even its own agents often do not know who they truly work for. House Dimir was founded by the ancient vampire Szadek. The vampire was one of the ten paruns that signed the Guildpact and remained in charge of the guild for the subsequent 10,000 years. One of the crucial clauses of the Guildpact was that none of the signatories (including Szadek) could reveal the existence of the Dimir to Ravnica's people, protecting the guild's anonymity while forcing it to remain hidden. This created a flaw in the Guildpact's structure that would eventually allow it to be broken. Officially, the guild does not exist. The Ravnican people generally believe that there are only nine guilds and that if there ever was a tenth, it dissolved thousands of years ago. The name Dimir is not known by most people and those that do know it believe it to be a myth, children's story or a paranoid conspiracy theory. This misinformation is actively propagated by the Dimir themselves as a method for avoiding suspicion. The guild operates on a strictly need-to-know basis. At the top of its hierarchy is the leader. Only he is fully aware of all of the guild's activities. Beneath him are the necrosages, who oversee the guild's activities from Duskmantle. They manipulate the flow of information, keeping the guild informed on all things whilst keeping the rest of the plane ignorant. Few individuals are ever allowed to meet the guild's leaders, as instead a network of middlemen are employed to pass on messages to cells of field operatives. Agents at the very bottom of the guild only meet a mysterious individual in a back alley that gives them some basic information on their target and nothing else. The Dimir's guildmages use their magic to influence the minds of others. They can send messages to operatives over distances or strike people with amnesia, magically alter memories or even perform lobotomies on victims to cover their tracks. The Dimir also practice necromancy, creating undead minions such as skeletons and wights to carry out missions. Such minions are employed as they are single-minded, easy to create and dispose of, cannot be interrogated in the event of capture and are easily blamed on the Golgari instead. Spirits are also used by the Dimir to pass on messages, carry out surveillance invisibly or even to possess important figures such as judges and senators. Nobody is beyond the reach of House Dimir. [/hider] [hider=Izzet League] [img=http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/085/e/6/izzet_guildgate_by_noahbradley-d5zbw03.jpg] Slot: [hider2=Sworrdfishkinght] Name-Obaron Age: 25 Gender:Male Race:Human Mutant Guild:Izzet Why you are in Izzet:Deciding that other guilds were too simple for him and he was too smart for them, Obaron joined the Izzet as he was among his own his own in terms of intelligence. When he first joined Izzet, he was elected to be one of the Izzet mages modified by Simic mages. He got off light, as several of the other mages were left as nothing but slimes, or mindless babbling fools. Magic abilities (if any):Counterspell, Fireball, Lightning Strike, Similar spells. Personality:Obaron is an egotist, feeling that regular humans are too simple for his intelligence. But while he may seem rotten to the core, he has a heart of gold, albeit a very, very small one. When he was younger, he found two baby goblins abandoned in the alleyway near the entrance of the Izzet guild. Picking them up, he named them Rizz and Razz, taking care for and raising them to be mages like him in the Izzet guild. Appearance:Obaron wears the garb of a regular izzet mage, albeit a bit modified due to being a mutant. On the left side of his face, where a normal eye would be, he instead has two eyes side by side, each covered by headgear. On the right side of his head, he has one normal eye. Other:He has two adopted goblin children named Rizz and Razz. (Sidenote: I did take a bit of creative freedom here, but only acted as possible as ravnican universe lore would allow, and since Izzet works for new magical developments and Simic works as bioengineers, it would be possible for them to work together as scientists. Also this is a little barren, if needed I can spruce it up.) [/hider2] Founded by parun Niv-Mizzet, an ancient, brilliant, capricious, and narcissistic dragon, the Izzet League continuously create and destroy and are obsessively driven by a desire for new discoveries. Being the analogue of scientists and engineers on Ravnica and the masters of innovation and spellcraft, the Izzet are also responsible for the design and implementation of most of Ravnica's infrastructure and inventions. The Izzet League are charged with attending to Ravnican civic works, including water supply systems, sewers, heating systems, boilers, and roadways. In addition to carrying out these functions, the Izzet members — obsessive, keen, and creative intellectuals, who often have short attention spans - are known to perform magical experiments, ever with reckless abandon and sometimes with spectacular but severe results. Unlike the other guilds, the Izzet do not strive for hegemony of the city and plane of Ravnica or power at all; integral to the Izzet League, a guild of masters of both theoretical and applied science and spellcraft, however, the passionate seeking and thirst for knowledge. Combined with their drive for discovery and child-like curiosity, the brilliant but capricious and whimsical Izzet magewrights jump to and from ideas as they see fit, discarding old ideas for new ones that attract their attention. In this regard, they can likened to ambivalent or benevolent mad and absent-minded scientists/professors. Similarly to the Cult of Rakdos, the Izzet League, with its worship of its parun and guildmaster of the Izzet League, Niv-Mizzet, has been described as a cult of personality. Niv-Mizzet The brilliant of Ravnica flock to Niv-Mizzet, and the most intelligent being on Ravnica. Powerful enough to live to tell the tale of his fight against the nephilim and capable of seizing control of the city and plane of Ravnica, Niv-Mizzet is content with not taking over Ravnica, in large part due to his fickleness and odium for monotony, as ruling and running Ravnica would become tedious. Although varieties of dragon-kin, such as drakes, wyverns, and wurms, are present in Ravnica, Niv-Mizzet is said to be the last true dragon. As would be reasonably expected of him due to his vanity, Niv-Mizzet has numerous lesser clones of himself; other than as his underlings, the full purpose of these dragon clones, however, remains unknown.Testimonies to the significance as well as vanity of Niv-Mizzet are reflected in the uniforms of Izzet League members and the names of inventions or structures, such as Mizzium, a metal invented by Niv-Mizzet; Nivix, the guild hall of the Izzet League; and Izzet, the name of the guild itself. The alchemically-boosted clothing of the Izzet are flamboyant, with bright fabrics dyed in the colors of their draconic leader's scales and shiny metals. The Firemind The Firemind is an extrasensory link with Niv-Mizzet's consciousness and omniscience, between selected, worthy Izzet League subordinates, Crixizix being one, and Niv-Mizzet himself.[12] Members of the Izzet League whom are deemed worthy must first pass a test before they may communicate with Niv-Mizzet.[12] Weirds “ Diametrically opposing energies in self-sealed plasmodermic bubbles make great pets! ” —Trivaz, Izzet mage, Gelectrode, Guildpact Supposedly created during the Katazar-Razblat Elemental Symposium, weirds are the semi-sentient, walking-paradox result of a fusion of elementals of opposing elements, of fire and water and of earth and electricity. Weirds are a creature type unique to the Izzet League, and function as ubiquitous lab assistants and "pets" of Izzet League members. [/hider]