[quote=Lucius Cypher] Though I do have some questions on Specing and play style as certain Classes. Specifically: A Class that has both high defense and high speed. Offensive capability... Neigh. Melee fighter. It's not to say that he can't do damage, but like the Assassin he relies on quick strikes and has versatility with his environment. Like a Brawler, he can take hits well and isn't really one for subtly and goes for whatever is most pragmatic, whether it be sneaking up on someone or crashing a vehicle into them.. May have one or two powerful move that isn't really that strong compared to other dedicated damage-dealers, but serves as the corner stone for him to set up/finish combos. I was thinking of a sort of long-range grapple attack, like Scorpion's harpoon. Allows him to bring light opponents/objects to him, or pull himself towards heavier opponents/objects. Another one is a mobility move which really emphasis his speed and durability. [/quote] What Empire said. [quote=Lucius Cypher] Define "humanoid". I can find another picture of the same guy that makes his slime like nature less apparent, but the fact that he fights like an amorphous blob is important to his fighting style. I was thinking that it would be one his beginning skills which is akin to shapeshifting. Loses conventional weapon abilities (that is to say, can't really use weapons beyond swinging the sharp part at the bad guys) for various stat boosts and alternative skills that are classified as "unarmed" or "natural weapons". [/quote] "Humanoid" as in your Avatar must resemble a human. They may have fancy armor and cool equipment, but they must be physically human in the end. Admittedly, I was going to use that same character image you have (Arakune from Blazblue) for the Dissolution enemy NPCs. He must be able to use his fighting style in human shape and form. [quote=ERode] Why do the guys have such a simple and easy-to-put-on uniform, while girls still have to deal with that multi-layer top bullshit? Such sexism. [/quote] What Empire said. [quote=ERode] Is it possible at all for Rulers to be less than lvl9? Or does the system bar Rulership from any of those lvl8 and below plebians? [/quote] All Rulers are Level 9. The Deep Ground Program will automatically bar any player under that limit from becoming a Ruler, and even then there cannot be two Rulers of the same color. In the event that two players reach Level 9 and desire for the same position, they must dual for it. Alternatively, a Level 9 may also strip away a Ruler's rank through dueling as well. Not all Level 9 players are Rulers. [quote=ERode] Does your future depend on your win-lose ratio, or your level? [/quote] Your future depends on your win-lose ratio. [quote=ERode] How unique can the skills be? Is it possible for there to be skills that are unique to a single person? [/quote] As unique as you want, provided they are approved by either myself or Empire. Individual skills are unique in how you use Specs and which Class you end up choosing/leveling up to, but I'd prefer if you kept it in the realm of the Class you have. [quote=ERode] You say that matches are GENERALLY set up with an equal number on both sides. Does that mean a match is void if someone, I dunno, disconnects? Loss forgiven and all that? Are losses also not recognized if you just go and ambush someone? [/quote] If someone disconnects, the Deep Ground Program will randomly choose a player to fill that vacant place, correcting itself. Loses are also recognized through ambush, though if it's through solo gaming and not through Guilds, there [b]will[/b] be tension among players both in the real world and Deep Ground. [quote=ERode] Are losses also not recognized if you just go and ambush someone?And the most important question of them all...How much has virtual reality affected the porn industry? :3 [/quote] You sly devil, you. [quote=ERode] Also, Deep Ground is erased from their memory banks at 18, right? Does that mean all the memories that come with it are uninstalled as well?Is it possible to lose the program before then? Such as...you suck at the game, so you ragequit and uninstall. [/quote] Deep Ground becomes automatically uninstalled at age 19 (I'll edit that in the OP). All memories of the experience are retained, but you will no longer be able to connect to Deep Ground ever again. One cannot lose or override the program before age 19. If you're a rage quitter....then you have a long journey ahead. [quote=ERode] More stuff:Are there "special attacks" in the game? I would assume there are, but you never know~ [/quote] What Empire said. [quote=ERode] Is there an Equipment shop? Or do you get new weapons by looting corpses? [/quote] Both. Weapons don't matter though; it's skills and Specs that do. [quote=ERode] What happens to EXP gain after you reach lvl9? [/quote] EXP then becomes converted into in-game money for shops. [quote=ERode] Is it possible to de-level if you go on a losing streak? [/quote] No, but every player and student in both the real and gaming world will know how much you suck. [quote=ERode] Still working on the the kinks of my character, but I was thinking of a Brawler with the ability to use the skills/weapons of others, provided that they form a contract with him/her. Through this, that Brawler staged a coup d'etat in the Ivory Masks, simply by having an obscene amount of allies, and thus, having a retarded amount of skills and weapons to overrun the past White King with. Dunno if coup d'etats even work, actually. [/quote] See my PM on the matter after this post. [quote=ERode] Is 'Ruler' a title granted by the system? Or just something that is recognized between players in the guild? [/quote] Both. [quote=Scarifar] If we're playing as a regular player, will we be able to start off at level 3, where we can choose a spec for our class? I mean, like, when we're creating our character sheet and stuff for this rp. [/quote] Unless you have created an approved Colored King character, everyone will begin at any Level before 5. [quote=Lucius Cypher] Hmm. Alright, I'll be sure to form my request. How many characters are we allowed to create? I have a few more ideas I want to try. [/quote] Two. [quote=Lucius Cypher] Additionally, could we make our own skills for our characters, within reason? Because for my Brawler/Assassin dude, his main form of offense revolves around juggling with his grapples, typically a long-range variant not usually seen for your traditional melee types. This is represented in that if he used a weapon, it would be a chain; something that he can use to trap and bind his opponents from a far distance, even if the raw damage from it isn't as impressive as it may seem. If he's not using his chain's reach to get to targets, he uses it akin to a chainsaw where the constant friction will wear off HP. [/quote] As long as it's within the approval of either me or Empire. [quote=ERode] By fairly soon, does that mean that you have free time now? Or do you mean soon as in the soon that customer service uses? [/quote] What Empire said. [quote=UnendingEmpire] That's a dangerous policy, especially when you don't even have an IC yet. Every Pokemon RP I've GM'd ever can attest to that. [/quote] With my experience of having people join up and then vanish to never be seen again and causing all sorts of irritations, I feel that this is a necessary policy. Because no one likes a dying RP with only two people left.