Viral wasn’t going to be gentle to Takeshi or make him feel comfortable with his abilities, especially when he wasn’t exactly improving as fast as he should. He was making so many mistakes when he should be trying to learn from them, but of course this was Takeshi he was training and not a rookie willing to learn. The guy seemed to be copying methods that were most commonly performed by regular people, ones he could easily copy off the television and think they were proper techniques. A little annoyed at Takeshi’s inability to process that, he sighed in annoyance, “A style you create! Not one somebody else uses”, he spoke calmly, keeping his eyes on him, “Using a style you’ve copied from another warrior makes you predictable…especially when they’re used for show”. Viral didn’t see the problem with trying to invent a style during the lessons, especially when he was supposed to be improving and that was the way to go about getting better. Watching him carefully, he frowned a little before grumbling, “You want me to be at this for eternity if you think that” Watching him, he couldn’t help but feel a little odd when Takeshi decided to stare right into his eyes as well, not sure if it was annoyance that he was trying to copy him or something else entirely. Dismissing it he instead focused back on Takeshi, he kept his gaze concentrated on him as he soon decided to attack. Swinging his own blade to counter Takeshi’s attack, dropping his blade was not entirely expected and instead he immediately swung his sword around and expected to inflict an attack. Something about Takeshi’s move sparked something in Viral’s mind, his mind going blank for a moment until Takeshi’s hit struck him. His eyes suddenly becoming focused again and intense as he sprung back into life, but instead of reacting as he should have to a successful hit during training he suddenly bolted forward, his blade going straight to Takeshi’s neck with barely a few centimetres difference between them. Remaining fairly close to Takeshi for a few seconds, Viral seemed to double-take his action and backed off, his eyes going to his blade instead. Yumi certainly seemed pretty intense with her way of speaking, at least that’s what Shu saw as he stared at her. He was considerably worried that it might lead to her telling him that there was something wrong with him, like he had some fault. Frowning at her reactions, Shu raised his shoulders slightly as hands moved up to his knees, “U-Umm, maybe…? Maybe both at the same time…?” he squeaked a little, feeling unsure about it himself. There were plenty of reasons he wasn’t able to give a direct response, especially considering he was not able to think clearly when he was changing. He was stuck for a correct answer and only Yumi could help him try and find that just now, especially when everybody was busy with their own problems. He wondered if Yumi was getting annoyed at the fact she needed to deal with him and not be with her friend Choi, “I-It’s sometimes hard to think clearly…” Frowning a little when Yumi mumbled in annoyance, he lowered his gaze and let out a sigh before looking back to her when she tried to apologise. This was definitely not working out very well and Yumi saying that made him realise it too. Still feeling a little uneasy, as Yumi moved over to sit beside him he stared up at her, his head tilting slightly before Yumi started to pet his head. It was helping a little to do that, giving her a smile in return before lowering his head again when she tapped his nose, “I know I shouldn’t, I don’t mean to…” he sighed, pressing his fingers together, “It feels like…pressure…like pain…like a lot of anger. My heart hurts a lot, it’s hard to think too a-and it just feels…really scary…”