Creating his own style, feh, how in the world was he supposed to do that? So many people had used swords before him there wasn't a chance in hell he could do something unique. It wasn't as if he was copying by choice, there was just nothing new for him. Even Viral had to have picked up some of his techniques from someone, no way everything he did was original. "Easier said than done, you know. I hardly know how to use a sword, how the hell am I going to know how to make up a style then? If you've got something in mind believe me, I'm all ears." Okay, so maybe he was a bit showy in his moves, but that's just how he figured he'd do things. It should be flashy, it was more fun that way, and cool. Maybe swordplay shouldn't be either of those, perhaps he wasn't focusing on the more important things. Man, why couldn't this just be straightforward? Trying to put together a unique fighting style on the fly was such a hassle, especially when you didn't even know where to begin. "We won't be at this for an eternity, don't worry," Takeshi replied, smirking as he raised his sword again. Okay, now was the perfect time to show Viral up, he could try something entirely new. It would literally be on the fly, there would be no way the Beastman could know what he was planning. Meeting his friend's stare he waited a moment, trying to pick the perfect opportunity to move in and strike. Soon as Viral blinked he stepped forward, closing the distance and raising the sword in a false overhead slice. Before he swung down he dropped the sword, catching the handle as it flipped and holding the weapon now with the blade facing out, coming in for a horizontal cut instead. The first attack was slated to be blocked, as was the second. Yet for some peculiar reason Takeshi nearly managed to stab Viral, stopping himself just shy in surprise. "Holy crap... It actually worked..." he mumbled, staring wide eyed at where his blade sat, mere centimeters from Viral's flesh. In a flash then the Beastman retaliated, doing so in a far more aggressive manner than Takeshi had expected. Close as they were he couldn't do anything as the blade shot up for his throat, tensing and squeezing his eyes closed nervously. When no bite of metal came he opened one eye, looking down at the cleaver just hovering over his skin. Swallowing uneasily he watched as Viral backed off, lowering his own sword in a now clammy hand. A bit of sweat had formed on his face from that close shave, and with a tense smile he lifted an arm, wiping his face off on his sleeve. "Uh... How was I supposed to block that...? Did I mess up?" Asking in such a straightforward, rigid manner wasn't getting them anywhere. Shu was getting upset and Yumi was becoming frustrated, it was best they change pace. They were awfully close, so trying to go with Vegeta's idea of objectivity was kind of stupid, she had come to realize. Instead of trying to talk to the little Saiyan as a doctor, which she wasn't, she should approach this as a friend. Moving her chair then over beside Shu's she took a seat, reaching out and patting his head gently. "There's no reason to be so nervous, I'm your friend silly," she said gently, offering a kind smile. Again she tried to ask him about the feelings, only this time in a more gentle manner. What she was told certainly was different than before, and it had her a bit worried. Little did she know she had exhibited the very same sort of thing back with Viral, only she had no recollection of that. So as it stood she wasn't quite certain what to do or say, only knowing that she had to somehow try to help. "Maybe we need to find a way to help with you getting angry? I mean... If it's anger that makes you change, helping your anger will make it stop, probably." You didn't need some fancy degree to figure that much out. The only issue they had then was how exactly they'd solve the problem. Anger management wasn't her forte, goodness knows she could snap on occasion. Never to the degree that Shu or Takeshi did, but she had her moments. A lot of that she blamed jokingly on being surrounded by testosterone, some of it must be influencing her. Or things just annoyed her, that was more likely. Drawing her hands back and rubbing at her chin thoughtfully Yumi glanced around the room, lost in her own thoughts for a moment. Something to help with anger management... "If getting angry makes you change... What if you think about things that cheer you up?" she offered, looking at Shu, "You know... Like fruit. Or playing with Takeshi, or one of us. Or... Playing in the jungle. Maybe if you can get your mind off of why you're angry in the first place you won't change?"