[i]If only these were regular cuffs[/i], Daniel thought. [i]then I could just melt them[/i]. Fire, for once, would not obey him, which irritated him. Then there was one prisoner who suddenly caused a small panic among the pirates. They rushed to the aid of the one whose rod was on the verge of being taken away. Quickly, Daniel moved to the edge of the cage and stuck his leg through one of the bars, tripping a guard, which led to more guards falling over him. As the pirates tried to disentangle themselves from each other, Daniel thought he saw a metal ring on a pirate's belt, which held.... were those [i]keys[/i]??? Daniel quickly reached out to grab them, hoping that at least one of those keys would free him from his cuffs. The pirate barely noticed the keys were being stolen until it was too late, the keys now in Daniel's grasp. "Oh F***!" the pirate swore as Daniel began trying the keys in the keyholes on his cuffs. With a satisfying "click", the cuffs opened and fell to the ground. Daniel smiled as flames swirled around his fists, accidentally melting the keys in the process, then drew back his fist and swung at the bars that were the only barrier between him and the pirates. --- A mysterious cloaked figure was watching from afar, the cross hair on the scope being used changing from one target to the next. It wouldn't be easy, but the job was to free one prisoner out of the entire group. The prisoner in question was currently causing a commotion, and quite a large one at that. [i]Perhaps it would be easier than I thought[/i], the mysterious figure thought, as the sniper rifle currently being used was aimed at the commotion. She turned her attention to the pirate who was fighting for his rod, and decided her next course of action. She reloaded the sniper rifle to a different cartridge, then fired at the hands of the guard fighting a prisoner for the rod, the shot making little sound due to the silencer attached. The bullet struck the guard's hands, but instead of drawing blood, the bullet covered his hands in water, making it difficult for the pirate to maintain his grip on the rod. [i]That should help[/i], Michelle thought.