[b]Name:[/b] Yamada Hikaru / 山田 光 ['Mountain' ' rice paddy' 'light, radiance'] [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Sex:[/b] Female probably [b]Height/Weight:[/b] 5'3"/none of your business [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Appearance][img=http://cs309229.vk.me/v309229731/1073/9pdgVUIS95E.jpg][/hider][hider=Carefree Appearance][img=http://3wapodcast.files.wordpress.com/2010/01/hideyoshi-kinoshita.jpg][/hider][hider=Without hairclips][img=http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4031/4370052012_22059fe77a.jpg][/hider] Her clothing style can be called random at best. She even wears a male uniform when she feels like it. (she made it herself and some uniforms of other schools). She loves cosplaying so seeing her in a cosplay costume isn't rare. Her choice of clothes is whatever she feels like wearing at that moment. She is just a normal teenage girl, besides the fact that her chest is practically flat, making a lot of people miss that she's a girl when she isn't wearing girly clothes. She has deep green eyes and mid long light brown hair. She always wears 2 white hair clips, 1 on either front side of her head, unless she wants to look as a boy. [b]Classification:[/b] Esper [b]Ability:[/b] Air Pressure/Concentration Manipulation (Psychokinesis type) [b]Ability Name:[/b] Bionic Compressor [b]Ability Description:[/b] Bionic Compressor is a psychokinesis ability that lets Hikaru control the air pressure or air concentration around her. This is mainly done through the manipulation of round areas since this requires the least calculations. She does not require any motion or action from her body to use her power, she just needs to want it. Though she always uses her hands to point at an area to change it since she finds it fun to fool others. The maximum air pressure per square cm she can achieve is 100kg, though this also depends on the air available to her. The minimum air pressure limit is 0kg per square cm. [u]Radius control:[/u] Her control over air pressure is in a 100m radius around her. The closer she is the more control she has, this mainly applies to her minimum area size and max&min air pressure. Her maximum area size is the 100m radius around her. She can also move the areas she creates around, though the pressure in it can't be higher than the limit of that distance. ~50m-100m: She can only control the air pressure in large areas. Their minimum size would be around a 5 meter radius. The maximum air pressure per square cm is 30kg and the minimum is 0.5kg. ~10m-50m: She can pinpoint air pressure pockets on much smaller scales, allowing her to change the air pressure of individual objects/people. The minimum size is around a 50cm-60cm radius. The maximum air pressure per square cm is 50kg and the minimum is 0.2kg. ~2cm-10m: She can almost completely control the pressure of the air however she wants and can pinpoint her pressure pockets on much smaller scales like only a small part of a person. The minimum size is around a 5cm radius. The maximum air pressure per square cm is 100kg and the minimum is 0kg. [u]Applications: [/u] [list][*]Wind creation: When creating a pressure area she can choose an area where she takes the air from (high pressure area) or where the air goes to (low pressure area). If the area is big enough she can create wind streams between it and the direction she chooses to pull/push the air from/to. Most of the times when creating an area she pushes/pulls the air from above.[/*][*]Vacuum creation(10m): Inside the 10m radius her minimum air pressure limit becomes 0, essentially allowing her to create a vacuum.[/*][*]Levitation(10m): By lowering the air pressure above an object to almost 0 and increasing the air pressure below said object to be higher than the weight of the object she can levitate it in the air. This is quite hard for her to do and requires a lot of concentration since she has to completely control multiple areas continuously at the same time. At this moment she has enough control over it to lift something as big as a football. The maximum weight of something to levitate is dependent on it's complexity, size and her maximum pressure per square cm.[/*][*]Air cannon(10m): Hikaru named this particular part of her power herself. She creates multiple small areas and increases their pressure to the max. She then places her hands around the small areas and pushes them together with her AIM emission from her hands. With this she can overcome her 100kg limit though she can only keep the super compressed air for a few moments. She opens her fingers and releases all of the air at once and ensures it travels forward by lowering the pressure in a cone in front of her. This requires an enormous amount of her concentration and she is unable to move or talk while doing this. She is always tired after doing this.[/*][*]Galileo cannon(10m): Once hikaru masters controlling solid pockets enough and thinks of this new move she will be able to use this. The Galileo cannon uses the same principle as the air cannon with one key difference, a small solid air ball is placed right in the front of her closed hands. The ball acts as a bullet of solid air and will be able to stay solid for at least 2 seconds after being fired. This move requires more concentration than the air bullet and as such if Hikaru were to be distracted all her control over it would be lost. It will leave her just as tired as when using the air bullet.[/*][/list][u]Weaknesses:[/u] She must be in contact with the air she wants to control, meaning if she is in an airtight room she can't control the air outside of it. Her AIM field prevents her from ever using her power on herself. In 1 area she can only increase or decrease the air pressure. [b]GALILEO AIR:[/b] The air in Galileo's dimension has an extra quality that Hikaru can alter once she finds out about it. By doing this she can alter the actual density of the air to make it nearly solid. The bigger an area she wants to solidify the longer it takes her. The closer to herself she makes the pocket the stronger she can make the resistance of it. This would range from the furthest being like like glass and the closest like very tough wood. Just like her pressure pockets she can move these solid pockets around, the special thing about these are that their toughness remains the same as when it was made even when moving them further away. The weakness of these pockets lies in their solidness themselves. They are weak to piercing attacks and when they get pierced they start to lose their solidness like a balloon. [b]AIM Emission:[/b] The air about 2cm around her skin always has a constant pressure. This pressure will always try to stay the same at 1 kg per square cm (one atmosphere theory). Due to this she can't feel any wind against her skin no matter how hard it is since any wind resistance would be an increase of air pressure in a certain direction. This makes her hate the summer since she can't get any cold from any wind source. She can't shut this off. [b]Power Level:[/b] 4 [b]Notable Talents or Skills:[/b] [u]Sewing/Creating clothes:[/u] Hikaru is very skilled at sewing clothes. She can easily make Cosplay outfits based on just pictures and the size of the body it is made for. She uses this skill to make Cosplay outfits for people who order it on her site to earn some extra cash. [u]Acting & Voice Mimicry:[/u] Hikaru can easily change her personality and act like a certain person she wants. She can also change her voice to sound like the person she is imitating. Though doing this too long makes her throat hurt. [u]Photographic Memorization:[/u] Hikaru has a very good memory and is able to recall most things very clearly after only having seen it once. [b]Affiliation:[/b] Cosplay outfit creator [b]Occupation:[/b] High-School Student [b]Personality:[/b] Hikaru has a pretty laid back personality and it takes a lot of effort for her to take something seriously. There is 1 thing she is always serious about and that is attaining level 5. She completely believes she will achieve level 5 and that it only takes some time to get there. Even though she is very intelligent, her mentality is underdeveloped. Often she can act quite childish and at other times be completely oblivious to some situations. This makes her be quite blunt in some situations without realizing she should have been subtle. She is very tomboyish most of the times, but sometimes can be a tad girly. This depends mostly on what she's wearing though. This is because the boundary between male and female in herself is quite blurry. Hikaru is very easy going and doesn't get bothered by most things. Though she is almost impossible to get mad there is one thing that gets her completely feral, mentioning her small breasts. Whoever dares that is in for a world of hurting. To her physical contact is also very important and when greeting someone she wants to at least shake hands. To her friends she is more clingy and will often even hug them if she feels like it, she will also never say no to a hug from anyone. [b]Biography:[/b] Hikaru was born in Northern Tokyo and lived there until she moved to Academy city. Her father is a wealthy businessman and her mother is a scientist who were childhood friends and when they grew up got married. Her father was always away from home a lot because of his job. After a few years Hikaru and Hikari were born. Hikari was just a few minutes older than Hikaru. Since they were completely identical twins their parents decided to give them practically the same names, though it was mostly their mom who decided since she found it cute. Later on their parents regretted this a bit since they kept being identical in their complete growth and they often let people guess who was who. The only noticeable difference was that Hikaru always wears 1 hairclip on each side of her head and Hikari wears 2 clips on 1 side since they always wore the same clothes. Though often they switched how they were wearing their clips for fun. They could always be seen together and never wanted to do something without the other. Each year their mother took them to the Daihaseisai. As a scientist she was interested in seeing these marvels of science and the twins just saw it as a fun trip. Hikaru always loved seeing the people use those strange powers and wanted to be like them when she grew up. When Hikaru was 9 she wanted to go to school in Academy city and become an esper. She was sad that her older twin didn't want the same thing, but she was adamant on going there and becoming an esper. After convincing her mother and father she was allowed to enroll. Hikaru went through the Power Curriculum Program and she came out as a level 1 esper. She didn't like that level and she studied and practiced a lot since then and has attained level 4, she even knows that she would be able to become a level 5 and doesn't listen when people tell her that would be impossible for her. Ever since she entered Academy city she only sees her family during the times that outsiders are let in freely, like the daihaseisai. During these moments she is always seen with her older twin Hikari walking hand in hand and they still love it when people have to look really hard to see who is who. [b][u]EXTRA STUFFS[/u][/b] Universe of origin: A certain magical index (custom character) Prefer to be in a party or alone?: Probably a party, but can go either way What will your character be doing the moment he/she is warped into Gallie's playpen?: Probably be curious (childlike) at what's happening and try to have fun Things Galileo may use against them personally to motivate them through the maze (at least three items specific to your character): 1) wish to become lvl 5 2) wish to be able to turn her AIM emission off to be able to feel the wind again 3) (only if other 2 don't work) threaten her twin sister Hikari Any specific item, creature, person, etc acts as their weakness: If she is cut of from the air around her she is powerless so I would say a barrier power probably, also if an enemy takes on the illusion of her sister she won't be able to harm them Any specific item, creature, person, etc that they are invulnerable to: Any wind powers because of the AIM emission