Viral didn’t know what happened there and was well aware that he was supposed to not do such a thing, but he felt like he couldn’t help himself. Eyeing his blade, he sighed lightly as he slowly raised his paw to his head, giving it a slow rub. His head was suddenly burning, the intense pain throwing off his concentration big-time. Refusing to show any sort of pain, his eyes soon turned to Takeshi as he noticed his own struggle to comprehend coming that close to death. As the pain slowly started to vanish, he let out a sigh and gave his hand a check before looking away, “…Hmph, you weren’t supposed to. Your technique was fine, but high risk”, he spoke, shaking his head lightly before moving away from Takeshi, sheathing his blade, “Do you want to take a break or do you want to keep going, because I can go either way right now”. Truth was he didn’t know what to do, but he should probably have a break himself. While the pain in his head had gone he was still feeling off, but he was still willing to fight if Takeshi was so set on doing so. Shu didn’t mean to be nervous, but it was a touchy subject and he was worried something bad might happen. If he got too nervous maybe that might set him off as well; he could never feel too sure, especially when he was put on the spot like this and essentially putting Yumi in danger. Letting out a sigh, he gave a little nod and a smile, “I’m trying not to be nervous, I just don’t like to talk about it”, he spoke, lowering his head, “I just don’t like it so it’s hard to talk about it…” If he could be brave for just this one chat then he could manage anything, but the biggest issue he had was he didn’t know what he was supposed to do with this session or how to make him better; he didn’t even know why it happened to him either. With a little frown, Shu stared at Yumi as she spoke before speaking up himself, “But don’t normal people get angry and nothing happens to them? I’m confused”, he sighed, shaking his head. If his problem was anger then it wasn’t supposed to be a big problem in the first place. He didn’t understand it when he rarely felt anger, but when he did he went bananas. He was almost scared to feel anger at this point, even if it was only natural to feel it. Watching Yumi carefully, he shifted in his seat before looking back down at his hands, pulling his fingers, “I try…but it’s too much. I can’t think of anything even though I can hear Takeshi speaking to me…for a little bit”, he muttered, trying to think to the last time he changed, “I forget who I am and who everyone is, then it gets hard to remember again…”