[b][u]General Information[/u][/b] [b]Name:[/b] [url=http://33.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m4srbjQpcn1qddv69o1_500.jpg]Tichondrius Gresham[/url] [b]Nickname:[/b] Tychus [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Birthday:[/b] June 13th [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Relationship status:[/b] Single [b]Year Level:[/b] Fourth Year [b]Eye colour:[/b] Greyish-Green [b]Hair colour:[/b] Brunette, changes frequently though [b]Skin colour:[/b] Pale white [b]Build of body:[/b] Lithe, slightly muscular [b][u]Personality[/u][/b] [b]Likes:[/b] Stitching, Piercings, Vibrant Colours, Good Food, Friendly People, Daemons, Teaching, Hunting, Writing, Body Modification, Fetishes [b]Fears:[/b] Getting Stuck in Something, Blood, Crowded Places [b]Personal goals:[/b] Experiment with everything life throws at him and be happy [b][u]Relationships[/u][/b] [b]Father:[/b] Mathew Gresham; author on the Philosophy of Daemons, S class daemon owner, ex-professor of Aulani, deceased. [b]Mother:[/b] Jenna Gresham; well known hunter of high-tier daemons, owner of two A class daemons, ex-professor of Aulani, deceased [b]Friends:[/b] Tristan Amaryllis Chase, Jason Chase, Leon Williams Thoreau [b][u]Classes[/u][/b] [b]Compulsory Subjects:[/b] 1. Film writing (English) 2. Philosophy of Mathematics (Maths) [b]Selective Subjects:[/b] 1. Design (Fashion) 2. Photography [b]Specialized Subjects:[/b] 1. Advanced Healing 101 2. Daemonology 3. Dead Languages (T.A.) 4. High Physical Education [b][u]Background[/u][/b] [b]Bio:[/b] Tichondrius's life didn't really begin until he was already a grown boy, eleven years of age, when his father introduced him to a gift that he had been keeping hidden for his entire short life. Into his hands was placed a sword nearly as tall as himself, a scabbard worn and black as obsidian. "Draw the sword," his father goaded him, Tychus wasting to time drawing the blade from its pitch coloured home. The blade cut through air as it was freed, it seeming to absorb all light that touched it, the blade black as night, as if it were merely a shadow. "Say it," His father whispered, a grin growing across his face as he nudged Tychus, reminding him of what his father said earlier. "Wake up, Jin," Tichondrius said softly, receiving no response for several seconds. The blade began to shake in his hands and from it a figure, a shadow silhouette appeared before him. It extended a blackened hand, forming a gun with his fingers. "It means eight. He wants eight years, Tiche." Mathew said warmly, patting his son on the back. Tychus took his new friend/daemon's hand and after a sudden burning sensation in his palm, the contract was sealed and Jin now served the young boy named Tichondrius. This was unheard of at the time, someone as young as Tichondrius to come into possession of such a powerful daemon, though given his lineage, it was the least anyone had expected. The year Tichondrius was meant to enter the academy, tragedy struck the family estate. A fire consumed the ancient home that had been passed from generation to generation, his mother and father perishing in the fire. Tichondrius would have died is it were not for Jin armouring him to help him escape the building. Though Tychus suffered horrendous damage to his throat having inhaled smoke, taking from him his voice. It was the night that he lost his parents that a lone figure arrived on the family estate. He wore a crisp suit that was brilliant tailored to his gaunt figure. His neck was long, impossibly so for a man, and in the stead of flesh was bone. "My child," The daemon cooed, approaching the freshly orphaned Tichondrius, "It would eternally shame me if I did not offer to you the same that I offered to your father some time ago. Twelve years be all I ask, in exchange I vow to you my eternal servitude. There be no master I see more fit." The being turned Tichondrius's blood cold, though in this moment he could only hope to find any help that would be given to him. He asked not the daemon's reasoning and the daemon never offered it. Thok would become an aloof presence in Tychus's life, a stark opposite to Jin's loving servitude. Now, four years later, Tichondrius has established a name for himself among daemon hunters, many of the experienced hunters quite excited to see what the heir to the Gresham name is capable of. [b][u]Other[/u][/b] [b]Other:[/b] Tychus is a mute and carries around a pocketbook and pen. He is into body modifications and his most recent curiosity is cross-stitching in which one uses a thin thread and needle and stitches into the upper layers of the skin. He currently has an x pattern running up the sides of his neck in black thread and also has a little image of Gir riding a pig from Invader Zim stitched into his left forearm. He also has a [url=https://i.imgur.com/WmnKF.jpg]tattoo[/url] spanning from just below his neck to his waist on his back. --- [b][u]Daemon - General Information[/u][/b] [b][u]Physical Appearance[/u][/b] [hider=Thok, the Spinner of Lies][img=http://payload74.cargocollective.com/1/7/249631/3795503/boombuster_o.jpg][/hider] [b]Name:[/b] Thok [b]Species:[/b] Sin Incarnation [b]Gender:[/b] Refers to self as Male [b]Class:[/b] A [b]Powers:[/b] [list] [*][i]Lust: Thok manipulates hormonal secretions in his target, clouding its mind with lustful thoughts.[/i][/*] [*][i]Greed: Thok plagues the mind of his target with images of what they desire most, taunting them with it, always keeping it out of their reach.[/i][/*] [*][i]Gluttony: Thok warps a daemon or human's mind with an insatiable appetite, often times causing them to devour everything they can until their stomach ruptures.[/i][/*] [*][i]Sloth: Thok instills lethargy in a being's body, causing its body to become like lead and fills them with the sensation of sleep deprivation.[/i][/*] [*][i]Wrath: Thok infuses an ally or himself with a burst of bloodlust, strengthening and enraging them. While in this state, they are inconsolable and best avoided by both friend and foe, for all are foes in their eyes.[/i][/*] [*][i]Envy: Thok turns a being against its comrades, filling it with animosity toward their allies's achievements.[/i][/*] [*][i]Vainglory: The sufferer is filled with the desire to boast all which they have done, blinding them with self love.[/i][/*] [*][i]Acedia: The afflicted is incapable of performing that which needs to be done, be it feed its child or deliver a finishing blow[/i][/*] [*][i]Pride: A truly dangerous power, one which floods the afflicted with every sin. The end result is almost assuredly death, though before death takes a hold of them they are a danger to all who surround them. This should be reserved for the most dire of situations.[/i][/*] [/list] --- [b][u]Daemon - General Information[/u][/b] [b][u]Physical Appearance[/u][/b] [hider=Jin, the Living Weapon][img=http://dxthpu4318olx.cloudfront.net/assets/images/images/000/157/075/large/e41ad668b3eb4266f22dbcf28c8d4c5872b12ad9.jpg?1407583556][/hider] [b]Name:[/b] Jin [b]Species:[/b] Living Weapon [b]Gender:[/b] Genderless [b]Class:[/b] B [b]Powers:[/b] [list] [*][i]Metamorphosis: Jin takes a humanoid form, his being be released from the scabbard it is contained in. Unless he metamorphosises, he remains a sword hanging from Tychus's hip.[/i][/*] [*][i]Guardian: Jin's hollow body forms amalgamates around Tychus's to act as armour. Doing so merges their minds allowing telepathic communication and together they share their strength. It requires an absolute trust by both parties for this to properly work. When in this state, Tychus can speak through Jin.[/i][/*] [*][i]Serene Step: Jin finds his resolve, melting away all outside distractions to sharpen his focus.[/i][/*] [*][i]Whirling Dervish: Jin's torso spins at a high velocity, allowing him to swing his sword in a 360 degree angle turning him into a veritable bladestorm.[/i][/*] [*][i]Fan of Knives: Jin charges his sword, causing it to burst outward in a flurry of shards. After several minutes the shards will fully return and reform the blade. This is a last resort and surprise tactic.[/i][/*] [/list]