"Everyone alright?" a familiar voice called out. She turned to meet the voice, but instead met his hand extended in her direction; a kind gesture, not one she'd expect from him. She took it and pulled herself up. “Thank you,” she said dusting the dirt from herself. Rilden and Rhovanor rushed from the tavern expecting danger. They scanned the area and wound up just as clueless as she. "Is everyone alright?" Rilden called out this time. “Yeah,” she responded, “everyone's okay.” The children quickly grew unnerved and one even hide herself behind Robyn's leg, peeking out at the others with large green eyes. Instinctively she placed her hand on the back of the little girl's head. "That didn't' sound good... Tonight we will all meet in the barn, and discuss where we go next..." Robyn responded with an affirmative nod, before quickly turning her attention to the frightened child, “Noone's going to hurt you. Come, I'll show you another trick.” She lead the tiny flock towards the grass just before the bank of the river and sat herself down in the grass. She looked back at the others with a small smile. She had to admit, she never got to do this before, but she was having fun with it. All their smiling faces reminded her that there was still good in the world. Turning her attention back to the children, who now looked eye-to-eye with her sitting, she closed her hand and looked around at them. “You ready?” “Yea!” several responded. She threw her hand into the air as if ready to throw a ball; a sparkling ball flew from her palm and into the air. The ball sparkled as it flew higher and higher into the air. Not far by her standard, but far enough for the halflings when suddenly it exploded with an audible POP! sending different colour sparks in all directions. The children stood in awe as she sent a few more into the sky, but were quickly disappointed when she stopped. “It works better when its dark. I'll do more later tonight okay? Besides, anyone like stories?” Several of them nodded and some sat down beside her. The little girl from earlier even chose to sit under the crook of her arm. “Once upon a time there was this evil king....”