Mika kept her head low an proceeded to eavesdrop into as many conversations as possible, but nothing was really catching her interest. “It feels like people are avoiding the conversation, all together.” Canon nodded and sipped her mug of ale, peering around her from the shadows of her hood. It was no surprise that amidst the dancing and hollering, someone had decided a fight was overdue and threw a punch. It just so happened that the strangers fist made contact with little Loraine, stroking the ego of a rather large bearded man with rotting teeth. Little Loraine stumbled against the table and fell sloppily onto her ass, looking stunned and bewildered. Mika was on her feet in a matter of seconds, her hand on her hip where a blade had been tucked away. Little did she know Loraine would have a handle on the situation. After being knocked down, Lorain had easily picked herself back up onto her feet, dusting her rear and looking around for the culprit of the ‘slight inconvenience’. Her eyes zeroed in on him and that’s when an incredibly astonishing event took place. Her cuffs began to softly glow as she tapped the man on the shoulder. He spun around, fist flying through the air, aimed directly for her jaw. She caught it in her palm like it was an egg tossed by a child. Her eyes glinted and she squeezed, his hand crumpling onto a tighter grip. The man howled and fell to his knees, trying to pull away. “Say you’re sorry.” She said calmly, her soft brown eyes locked on his. The man only continued to yell and holler for the release of his paw, but she was relentless and tightened her grip, a sickening crack and pop interrupted the silence that had recently fallen over the room. “I-I’m sorry!” he whaled; face reddening beyond that of a turnip. “I’M SORRY.” He repeated his voice more shrill and dripping with fear. Her intense stare had relaxed and released his hand, cupping his elbow and helping the man who cradled his hand against his chest. In the blink of an eye, Loraine had kicked his foot out from beneath him and aided gravity with the inevitable smack of his head against the table top. Blood splattered the wood table and the filthy panels below it. The man lay motionless on the ground, Loraine’s small frame looming over him like the grim reaper. “Ya think he’s dead?” Canon whispered, standing stiffly by Mika’s side. As if on cue, the man groaned and pushed himself up onto his elbows, blood dripping from his mouth. The tavern erupted with deafening hooting and hollering as a group of men lifted Loraine onto their shoulders, cheering her for her strength. “IRON MAIDEN.” They chanted as they guzzled down more ale and made up a song about her beauty and strength. “I was definitely not expecting that.” Mika laughed, raising her mug to salute Iron Maiden’s gleeful expression. “Although I am happy to see her making a legend of herself, I have yet to discover the legendary crew that took down [i]Frederick Harolding[/i]!” she yelled, raising her voice above the noise of the tavern, throwing her arms up in frustration. “I’m going to walk the streets, see if I can get anything from out there.” Mika whispered into Canon’s ear. Canon waved her hand and nodded. “I’ll stick with the wee one!” she smiled and then proceeded to get lost in the crowd. Mika chuckled and shook her head, finishing her mug, leaving a few coins for the cute bar maiden, and then heading out. She took in the fresh sea air than mingled with the mud that lined the sidewalks. “I shouldn’t have coined this off so easily.” She muttered, plucking the coin from her chest and rubbing it between her fingers.