Rachel was currently attempting to leave the area and she still holding her newly claimed shock rod, whilst she had her teeth to the energy cuffs that bound her and restricted her magic which was less than ideal but at least now she had a chance to find someone to remove her bindings "I need to fly again, an get away from here. arg people" She made this disgusted looking face as she attempted to avoid all the people in the area, except the one she called to before with his pet snake. It was then that she heard a male's voice to her side as she was making her escape, shocked that anyone here knew her name she reacted quickly as she turned to this voice and held out the shock rod out defensively ready to attack if she needed to...or if she wanted too. it was very difficult though with bound hands but she could make it work, she has before and she can certainly do it again. "Look asshole I don't go anywhere with anyone, especially those who know my name for no reason. So sorry but bugger off...oh wait I'm not sorry, go jump off a cliff or something, and your look isn't scary by the way. I could pull scary off so much better, loser!" Rachel after retorting back to this guy in the rudest way she could, Rachel then started to walk back not letting her demon eyes off this character until she was a safe distance, and she returned to trying to gnaw her way out of the energy restraints so that she could use her magic "I really need my weapons" The hybrid growled feeling rather paranoid without her beloved scythe by her side.