Lovedaia, or Lufu as she had been dubbed, Marden walked the halls with a bounce in her step, overjoyed with her dosage of magic, however little. So when she was almost run over by two running boys, she ignored it with a dopey grin. So when she felt an out-of-place zephyr brush her short blonde locks, she blinked obliviously. But when some rude brunet knocked into her shoulder and sent her sprawling onto the hallway floor. He was taller and wider than her with unruly brown hair that had an annoying slick to it and she felt her irritation rise. Sitting up, after hissing profanities under her breath, she dramatically vowed vengeance, loudly. Only a few were near to hear it and all gave her bewildered stares, which she flashed crazy eyes at mockingly. The next few minutes were spent planning, in which she followed the brunet towards the source of the wind and when she arrived at a normally abnormal scene. There was a Aoife, a girl she only knew by reputation, and Adam, one of the smart ones, who was bent over and looking worse for wear. Not particularly caring and feeling that cold streak that ran through her veins, she kicked the back of the brunet’s knee and he toppled over, bumping into Adam. Woops.