Viral was certain he was just a little tired, especially when he had been going for maybe a whole day of training. Takeshi had been complaining that he was tired as well not too long ago and maybe he had learned something new, but that all depended on whether he was going to take it further than that next time. Looking to Takeshi quickly, he grumbled and waved a hand, “It was fine if you didn’t have to drop your weapon to do it! If you’re going to do that, you’re going to have to be faster than that…” It was a little annoying when he couldn’t really recall it happening, but he did recognise it was in fact an occurrence. He lost his focus when Takeshi decided to copy him, but how he managed to do that wasn’t a concern to him anymore and neither should it be to Takeshi. Folding his arms, he watched Takeshi go to leave before turning away, his eyes only glancing back when Takeshi raised some suspicions over his recent activity, “What? Nothing’s wrong! You want to tell Vegeta you nearly crapped then by all means, but if not then no. There’s nothing to talk to him about”. Shu felt a little put on the spot with all of this, but in reality he was and needed to understand when something was a little wrong with him and to figure out how to fix it. He didn’t want to hurt anyone he knew and everyone was obviously afraid of that, even if Yumi did manage to calm him down and he didn’t hurt Takeshi this time round. He wondered if there was any way to rid him of the anger, to just be a happy kid forever. He still didn’t know what caused him to develop a change like that, but the closest thing he could think of was it was a result of him being in the wild for so long and that he was more monkey-like than the average Saiyan because of it. That had to be it, but they would’ve liked to change and be all destructive like that while he definitely didn’t. Nodding at Yumi, he soon instead tilted his head before shaking it, “Nooo I’m not smart! I’m just a little”, he said quickly, making a gesture with his fingers, “Takeshi is a lot smarter than me! He knows so many things…” Shu couldn’t imagine himself being very smart, especially when he easily forgot a lot of the new stuff he learned. Thinking about some of the things he should really try and improve on, he looked back to Yumi and frowned at her response, looking to her arm before back again. He didn’t really know what she meant by that, but he would try and understand since it could mean the difference between having control or changing again. This whole being a Saiyan thing was pretty stressful; it was a lot easier when he thought he was a monkey, “The same boat? Is it safe…? Boat sounds like a safe word…” Getting side-tracked, he tried to find his way back to concentrating on this issue when it was the most important aspect of him to master, but Yumi’s questions managed to throw him off a bit, “Umm…sort of…but one time I got so scared suddenly that I changed quickly”, he spoke, scratching his cheek, “I don’t know how to try that and if I get really scared suddenly again and I change quick then I can’t try…I don’t really want to try either…”