Takeshi was a magic man. Once again, not a drop of coffee was spilled. Truly, his skill was impeccable. But, his skill was not really what mattered at the moment. What mattered was that he had been knocked backwards onto his derriere. The coffee mugs landed beside him, unspilled just as was previously described. Due to his "assailant"'s sheer speed and force of impact, the poor guy's landing was a pretty rough one. "イテッテッテッテッテー…*" Takeshi muttered, rubbing his backside where it had collided with the ground. "痛いだよ…オイオイ、一体何だった?! てめえ…**" It was then that he looked forward and noticed just exactly who his "assailant" was. She appeared to be a young girl, slightly younger than himself, and rather pleasing to look at. Takeshi's scowl turned into a suave smile as he stood up and extended a hand to the girl, offering to help her up. "あー、ごめん、ごめん。しょうがないね。オレの名前が前鷹武だ。あなたは?***" The young man spoke in his native tongue, ignorant to the fact that the girl before him would likely have trouble understanding him. Though, if she were simply to ask, he would gladly speak in English. He was surprisingly eloquent in English, despite his rather young age. He was taught from a young age, always being told it was vital in the business world. Takeshi hadn't seen this girl before, let alone spoken to her. Actually, the first part of that was a lie. He did slightly recall her face from the night before when he'd been made to go door-to-door. She appeared to be roommates with one of his exes. Hopefully that wouldn't put his current agenda in jeopardy. The young man had temporarily forgotten about investigating the stabbing as well as skipping class to do so. His current goal was to flirt up a storm with this new, cute girl. Perhaps she'd be the one, perhaps not. It was worth a try. *Expression of pain **Roughly: "Ouch...Hey, what the hell? You ass-munch..." *** "Ah, sorry. It can't be helped. My name's Takeshi Maetaka. Yours?"