The nadder was discomforted by their fast circles and Calder shifted quickly to avoid falling as it flapped back with a startled cry. In doing so he put the sheep in a position to be snagged and off Blizzard flew, gaffing in laughter as they flew over the land and towards the sea. He was easily the faster dragon but looked back to see just how far ahead they were and came close to crashing into a stone spire. He veered quickly- forced to weave between the structures and lengthen their flight. And as he came close to clearing the obstacle a second weight landed on his back. “Oi” Calder greeted, suddenly knocking the sheep out of Ava’s arms and grabbing it as he leapt over her before Blizzard could boot them both off. Blizzard huffed in anger at the clear violation of his ’no riding policy’, diving at the boy as he landed on his dragon and suddenly grabbed him instead of the sheep. Surely it counted though, since Calder was still holding onto the animal as he shouted: “this is not how you play!” Over the rushing wind and approaching sea. This was how Blizzard was playing though.