General Information Name: Alexander Akiyama Nickname: Alex, Xander, Aki, or Yama, he basically responds to any form of his name Age: 15 Birthday: Sept. 20th Gender: Male Relationship status: Single, currently Year Level: 2nd Physical Appearance [hider=Alex][img][/img][/hider] Eye colour: Hazel/Green Hair colour: Dark Brown/Black Skin colour: Light olive with freckles Build of body: Compact, lean muscles, he is 5’ 8’’ and weighs 120 pounds of taught lean muscles. Personality Likes: Alex loves reading, languages, and science. He is a coffee addict and gets migraines when he is cut off from caffeine, he also has a massive sweet tooth, and whenever he can get away with it subsides of a diet of mostly sweets and caffeine. He enjoys making his own blends and brews of coffees, teas, and energy drinks, as well as his own flavors or taffies, hard candies, and chews. Fears: He is secretly still terrified of his parents, both for different reasons, his father, physically and his mother emotionally. He hates the dark, and tends to lean on his daemon's ability to light up dark place. He also absolutely, without any debate argument or discussion whole-heartedly hates vegetables. They are the utter bane of his existence. Personal goals: He wants to eventually have a study, filled wall to wall with books, with a nook where there is a never ending supply of coffee's and teas and saltwater taffy and candies. Personality: Alex is a ponderous boy, as in he absolutely loves to ponder things, philosophical thinking comes easily to him and he can become lost in his own thoughts. These spans of time can be exacerbated by his telepathic link to his daemons, meaning that he can go for long periods of time simply sharing thoughts with them and diving deeper into thoughts, ideas, and theories swapped between them. He loves reading books and carries them with him frequently everywhere except for hunts, and he loves sweets which he brings with him everywhere including on hunts. Relationships Father: His dad was a very strict man, insisting on him enrolling in multiple forms of martial arts, training first Gendai budō at a school that specialized in a comprehensive education in modern Japanese martial arts, but at the age of six, his father was dissatisfied with the ‘lax’ teachings of the modern schools, taking his son instead to a Koryū school of more traditional teachings, where he learned the arts of grappling, sword drawing, sword play, spear fighting, as well as a medley of other weapons. As he got slightly older his father took him one weekend a month for three years to a specialized school of martial arts in the Iga Province. Mother: His mother was much more relaxed woman than his father, and while his father insisted on him learning discipline and combat, his mother wanted him nurtured to know and understand both people and the finer things in life. Where his father enrolled him in multiple martial arts classes his mother enrolled him in cotillion and etiquette classes. Sibling: He was his parents only child and they ‘spoiled’ him rotten, mainly with the aforementioned classes during early to mid childhood. Friends: He isn't really overly close to anyone, though he is casually friendly towards most people. Partner: None Pet/(s): None Classes Compulsory Subjects: 1. Critical Thinking and Analysis of English Literature (English) 2. Statistics for the Business Minded (Math) Selective Subjects: 1. Biology 2. Chemistry Specialized Subjects: 1. Healing 101 2. Dead Languages 3. High Physical Education 4. Combat Background Bio: Alex is half Greek and half Japanese, with both of his parents being over bearing and assertive for a large chunk of his life, however at the age of twelve Alexander made a deal with a daemon. No, really, it’s a lot less menacing than it sounds, the daemon he made a deal with was a elemental Kitsune, aligned with a fire element. For a number of reasons they paired well together. The small fox, much like Alex, was an outsider in it’s own world, and perpetually lost in a sea of thought. While most Kitsune are elementals, they tend to be nature aligned, tied to trees, flowers, life, and beauty, with many others being tied to the earth and soil. Kasai was the opposite of his own kin, and for that the rest of his kind shunned him. His contract with Alex was made cheaply, at a measly six months, the usual price for a strong D-class daemon even though he was a relatively strong C-Class. The contract was so incredibly cheap, because it was made more out of their mutual desire for friendship and companionship than anything else. After making his contract secretly with Kasai, Kas for short, Alex was happy for a time. He finally felt as though there was something in his life he could control, something that was intrinsically his without the manipulation of either parent. His relationship with Kas went on for about a month, and Alex’s love for philosophy grew as he silently communed with Kas learning and thinking, with both of them expanded their horizons. When Alex’s father found out about what he considered an abomination that Alex had let into his life, the man beat him senseless. While Alex was more than capable of defending himself from the man thanks to years of martial arts, he refused to raise a hand against his own father. Alex’s mother was none to pleased either when she found out, and after a tense few months in his home, enduring the hate and loathing of both parents, he applied for the Aulani Academy. He began attendance almost immediately, enrolling in the middle school classes to begin with, and since then not only has he never set foot in his home town, but Kas has become stronger and he has also made another contract with a lamia demon named Acentia. Acentia’s contract came at a slightly higher price however, costing him four and a half years of his life, seeing as she had no need to contract herself to him, other than the experiences that life bound to Alex could offer. After forming this contract Alex dived into both mythological literature, learning all he could about the daemons from all cultures, focusing mainly on the two species with which he was contracted. Daemon - General Information Physical Appearance [hider=Kasai][img][/img][/hider] Name: Kasai Species: Kitsune Gender: Male Class: C Powers: Kas is capable of fire manipulation (can spit gouts of flame, as well as summon defensive balls or pillars of fire around himself and Alex) and minor healing abilities, as well as the ability to shift sizes from that of a small fox to that of a moderately sized wolf as well as turning into a wisp (floating ethereal ball of flame). Kas uses telepathy to communicate though he has never voluntarily spoken to anyone but Alex. Kas has excellent tracking senses, akin to that of a living fox. Physical Appearance [hider=Acentia][img][/img][/hider] Name: Acentia Species: Lamia Gender: Female Class: C Powers: Acentia is an exceptional fighter, with her hands, or her wickedly shaped blade, being as fast as a cobra, as well as being supernaturally strong. All six of the smaller cobra heads are completely under her control, and their fangs, as well as her own possess a potent, acidic venom. She possesses all the natural abilities of snakes, from heat vision to super sense of smell and more. She can also hypnotize people with her eyes, causing a trance like state if eye contact is prolonged, even at a distance. Acentia is capable of both speech and telepathy.