[b]Heather - building - Hank[/b] The rain came on suddenly and quickly got very hard. Heather didn't have time to wonder if Hank had actually wanted her with him or he just had no choice. They ran for the protection of the nearby buildings. She stepped back when he told her to. Heather may not always agree with Hank, but she did listen on important things like getting inside a sturdy shelter. It was dark inside and she had to squint to see. "Looks like an office building," she commented as Hank started to search. After searching through a cabinent she opened her mouth to answer Hank's question only to come face to face with a gun barrel. The next moment she turned to see Hank get knocked out. "Hank!" she cried out and tried to move towards him only to be stopped by the pervert with his groin grabbing. She glared at him darkly. Then what one of them had said finally sunk in. Eat? Eat... as in... No. Oh god no. This was not real. It wasn't happening. They had not just been captured by freaking cannibals. With shaking hands she emptied her bag when told to. "It's just medical supplies," she said, not mentioning the pistol she had tucked in her jeans under her shirt. "I'm a nurse." She tried once again to inch her way over to Hank only to be stopped by one of the pervy cannibals. "I want to make sure you didn't kill him you inbred bastard!" she shouted at the guy blocking her way only to get backhanded across the face. The force of it sent her reeling backwards onto the floor. She coughed, spitting out some blood as her vision got a little tunnel-y and the room spun. She felt a hand twist into her hair, pulling her face up. "Don't touch me," she snarled at him. She suffered through a kiss from the guy that made her choke because of his foul breath. She felt his tongue trying to get into her mouth and bit it as hard as she could. The man howled and shoved her away from him and into a wall. She felt something pop in her shoulder as she hit the wall and fell to the floor. "Yeehaw!" one of them shouted gleefully. "Kitty's got claws! Come on kitty-cat! Meow!" Heather looked to Hank. His head was bleeding but it looked like he was breathing. She hoped he would wake up soon, but also hoped he didn't. If these men decided to rape or eat her she didn't want Hank to be awake to see or hear it. Part of her was afraid he'd do something about it and get himself killed, and a small part of her in the back of her mind was afraid he wouldn't do anything at all... --- [b]Katie - Baton Rouge - Tyler[/b] Katie's eyes went large as her daddy started yelling again. Her mind went back to several months ago, to the last time he had yelled at her. Crying and whimpering, Katie crouched down and curled into a ball. Tears gathered in her eyes. She had promised herself and her daddy that she would not make him angry anymore. But she had once again. She was a bad girl. She didn't mean to be, but she was. Hugging the kitten to her chest, Katie scrambled backwards under a table, hiding from her father's anger and yelling. When he lowered his voice, she opened her tightly closed eyes and stared at him pitefully. "I'm sorry daddy," she said, hiccuping a little. "I just wanted to wash my hands and I heard something under a car. It's mommy and it's brothers and sisters were dead. Please daddy, please can I keep him? If I put him back he'll die."