When Azus Dracates finally emerged, the stormtroopers were being confronted by another traitor marine, and even from here, he could see the thing's allegiance. Nurgle, but he had little time to meditate on such things. The trip through time had left him feeling off, but he didn't have any time to give that consideration either. He still had all his equipment, thankfully, and he had a clear, unexpected line of fire on the stormtroopers. After all, not a one had an idea he would be coming back at all, let alone in the precise same spot as he had left. Leveling the autocannon, he opened fire on the man his doombolt had connected with before, and since the poor bastard had not a moments warning, he was torn down by the barrage of shells, much to the shock of the stormtroopers around him, since they had a man who should not have appeared again, suddenly show up behind them and open fire, and not a few moments later, their officer was taken down by the heavy bolter of the traitor marine at the other end of the corridor. He smirked under his helmet, which faded quickly as the situation developed. The rounds fired did nothing to hit them, apparently his time warp had thrown off his aim or senses, considering his inability to get the autocannon rounds on target anymore. The plague marine was doing better, but the flash of a grenade made it clear the traitor was blinded, and the stormtroopers volley fired him again, more rounds missing and punching through his power armor. Now was the time for a tactical withdraw, and he did such, moving around the corner and bracing, autocannon leveled at the incoming stormtroopers. Sure enough, they turned the corner, and the autocannon roared, rounds hurtling towards their targets, while some did fly off target as well. The stormtroopers did their training well, scattering and evading the rounds before they could impact, and scrabbled to take cover across the way from the Alpha Legionnaire as well. Now he was getting tired of this, and could tell he was nearly done for as well, so he dropped the autocannon, it would do him no good either way of how this turned out the second time around. Azus Dracates stood tall, summoning more warp power than was safe, since it hardly mattered at this point, proudly basking in the warp power that was being drawn to him. Raising his arms, he sent all of his malice and spite hurtling along his arms, intending to send as many doombolts as he could possibly manage. He never would know what happened, as reality itself denied his efforts this time around, a full 20 meters of area in a sphere around the traitor warping and tearing itself asunder, ripping a hole in reality that swallowed the traitor marine and everything in that 20 meter circle around him whole. There was nothing left, just a perfect sphere and no sign of the traitor marine who had drawn too greatly upon powers above his status, and the marine known as Azus Dracates was indeed no more, and would never be heard from again, as was how such things would indeed play out in such cases.