[b] [i] Astrid [/i] [/b] Astrid nearly fell as the man on her grip moved away, apologizing. He didn't truly care about her though, even in her state she could tell that. His only focus right now was Syleste. Astrid wasn't put off by his manner though, only happy for her friend. With her head down staring at her feet to make sure she didn't fall over. It was because of this action that she bumped into another bunch of campers and decided to join in on their conversation. It was about mice... or was it peanuts. Maybe it was both. That would be nice. Eventually making it back from the party Astrid stumbled up the steps over to the cabin door. Before she could open the door, Astrid began to feel quiet sick from all the alcohol she had consumed. Laying down on the porch she began to puke over the edge into the bushes. Her stomach throbbed as it strived to get rid of the poison she was trying to digest. To weak to move back inside, she lay there on the front porch of the Hephaestus cabin cheek slumped against the cabin wall in a cute, yet disgusting, way.