[center][img=http://38.media.tumblr.com/910ecf547dddc43778b5a2437729df05/tumblr_n90yrizWOr1qc3ju8o5_500.gif][/center] [center]Neo-Tokyo is a thriving city, with a booming economy and a fantastic nightlife. However, Neo-Tokyo is experiencing trouble with crime. Teenage delinquents, specifically gangs of suped up motorcycle riders, have been giving the police and each other a very hard time. This has led to the institution of very strict police ruling with the army even getting involved at times, even going to far as to label these people terrorists. Those who have been caught have been reported missing, with rumors of genetic experimentation running rampant through the city. This has led to massive protests from the civilian population and much military crackdown on peaceful protests, leading to large level of public disdain for the police. All this is loading up into a powder keg, ready to burst.[/center] --- [center]Though this is obviously very based on the seminal 1988 anime film [i]Akira[/i] (Which is a top ten favourite film of mine) this is not a roleplay of the characters in the film. There will be no Kaneda and no Tetsuo, this is more of freeform roleplay using the setting of the film to tell a different story. The characters that RPers will be playing can be either bikers or police, or others if you feel so inclined, though most of the action will take place between those factions. As well, just because it’s heavily based on Akira, doesn’t mean the setting will not also be influenced by other Cyberpunk works like Blade Runner, but I’ll get more into that if this makes it to OOC. Please feel free to add any comments, and if anyone is interested in helping develop setting and plot for this RP feel free to let me know because as of right now everything is quite loose in my head.[/center]