I want to join! Ill make a new cs and post it in my sig, then copy paste it here. Just a heads up, i like to take an hour to type them up, and make them look pretty. I either want to use my char Mutt from my sig, or make a new character. Ill edit this and put the hider in this post for Mutt, and if he isnt accepted, tell me the boundaries i crossed and ill have a new cs up in no time for someone totalt new. (Ive been pumping out characters on various site for a couple weeks now, an its gotten to be one of my favorite parts of rp) ------ Edited to add in a cs without flooding the page with post. [hider=Mutt character page] [center][b]Name:[/b][/center] [center]Mutt[/center] [center][b]Age:[/b][/center] [center]17[/center] [center][b]Gender:[/b][/center] [center]Male[/center] [center][b]Personality:[/b][/center] Mutt is very hard in the beginning when you first meet him. He seems like the quiet type who might explode without so much as a moments notice. When he does talk, he dosnt seem stupid, but neither does he seem educated. After breaking past his tough exterior, he will surely be your best friend. He is, when comfortable, compassionate, carring, protective, and loyal. He has a passion for the simple things in life, like a patt on the back, a "Good job Mutt" from someone he cares about, and occasionally getting caught outside on a rainy day. As a powerful person to rival against, but a MUCH stronger friend, Mutt is just a great guy to have around. [center][b]Picture:[/b][/center] (Will add after i draw it. Im no artist, but i hand sketch all my character sheets pictures accept rarely.) Mutt is a 6'3 tall, tanned male with broad shoulders, and a lean, but muscular build. He has a haid full of thick, matted dark blue, almost black hair, that he stopped trying to tame. He has deep, powerfully set eyes, and a strong jaw line. His teeth dont seem quiet normal for a human, but who is a dentist here anyways right? He likes wearing dark, colorfull clothing, usually browns, reds, and copper. He walks around barefoot in a muscle shirt and shorts, but will put on sandals if the dress code requires such. His fingernails, and toenails, come to clean, sharp points quite naturally. [center][b]Bio:[/b][/center] Mutt's parents were both Werewolves, and top notch ones at that. His family line on his fathers side is famous for mastering the "Partial Transformation." When he was younger, him and his parents were close, especially his father. They would run off chassing the sun set at impossible speeds, with their fur/hair tangling in the wind, for hours and hours. They never enrolled him in school, simply because they knew the other children wouldnt be accepting of a werewolf. They learnt that lesson for him by themselves. Unfortunately, when Mutt was still young, his father was killed. He never learnt why, or how, or even by who, but somehow mutt knew he was killed. A few months after, his mother died of disease. This didnt stop mutt though. He went to public school, in hopes to honor his parents, accelling in the few years he spent there. Other students learnt he was a wolf in only a short amount of time, and that he was an orphan who lived in the forest and hunted after school. The Nickname mutt started as an insult, but Mutt quite enjoyed it, and gladly took it on, replacing his original name. "im a mutt. I clean my coat, i live under the stars, and i chase sunsets. Its fitting." He would always tel people who tried to insult him. After he turned 16 he learnt of a strange ability that he assumed he got from his fathers side. He could control the earth! Well that was all the reason he had to apply to a school for magic! After he was accepted, he set off on foot, to pursue his new education. Little did he realize it was a half world away, which is why he arrived a litle late in the school year. None the less, he is open for new experiences, and to learn about his power, and possibly about his heritage. After all, his parents never told him where WEREWOLVES come from, only babie and other stuff that never truly caught his interest. Hey if he is lucky, he might find some Silverfang family trophies in their halls. With his father, Mutt wouldnt be the least surprised. [center][/b]Powers[/b][/center] [list] [*][b]primary[/b]: earth, werewolf transfomation.[/*] [*][b]secondary[/b]: shows signs to possibly learn electric[/*] [*]the power of friendship and love, the likes of which can compare to any magic [/*] [/hider] I made this char for a different rp, but he was rejected. Id hope he can make it here though.