Thane wasn't given a moment to enjoy the touch of her hand on his blighted arm, nor her kind words that Erin had to share with him. A sudden thud from the porch of the cabin instantly shattered the atmosphere, reminding him of the other campers. It was probably a drunk demigod from the Ares party acting like an idiot, giving the Hades cabin the misfortune to have to deal with them. "I got it." Thane sighed softly, putting a hand on her leg as he lifted himself up front the couch and shoved a hand into his pocket. Thane paused at the door, taking a moment, praying that whoever was outside was gone now. That he could go back to talking with Erin. That perhaps tonight would be a bit different from the usual. Thane's pale fingers wrapped around the door handle, giving it a slow pull and slowly he peeked out into the already darkened night. A silhouette of a man hiding behind a jacket, curled up in a ball on their porch. It took a moment for Thane's eyes to adjust and another moment for it to register who it was exactly that he was looking at. The skeletonised extremities made it a bit more difficult than it normally would be for Thane to recognise another camper. "Oh." He said flatly, staring at the man that had so blatantly been in pursuit of Erin, "Uh... Shoo." Thane slipped back into the cabin, swinging to door closed, his fingers quickly going to the lock and then the light switch. He turned on the balls of his feet and gave Erin a shrug, "Jehovah Witnesses, just pretend we aren't home."