I'ma throw my face into the RP and express interest through this CS of mine that I just now finished. If it's glaringly terrible grammar/spelling wise, then I will definitely edit it. I'll probably edit regardless when I have the time. I actually have a busy week up until Thursday. ;_; Or rather early evening Wednesday. Which isn't too bad, but I probably won't be able to edit it out until then... so, my apologies if it's sooper gross looking right now. I also may have gotten carried away with the weapon attributes and will probably change that. Maybe. I mean, unless Vicier says it's okay... I dunno... *shrug* Nyeh, I'm too tired to figure it out right now. D: --- [center][u]Personal Information[/u][/center] [center][b]Name:[/b][/center] [center]Raleigh Holter Theron[/center] [center][b]Alias/ Nickname (If Any):[/b][/center] [center]Rye, Holt, Doe, Buck, Hart[/center] [center][b]Age:[/b][/center] [center]18[/center] [center][b]Gender:[/b][/center] [center]Male[/center] [center][b]Cabin:[/b][/center] [center]Three[/center] [center][b]Appearance (Prefer Picture):[/b][/center] [center][img=http://data3.whicdn.com/images/35433481/original.jpg][/center] [center][u]Family[/u][/center] [center][b]Godly Parent:[/b][/center] [center]Poseidon, God of the oceans, horses, and earthquakes.[/center] [center][b]Human Parent:[/b][/center] [center]Laela Kapahu Theron; Mother; A Professor of Oceanography born in San Francisco, California and raised in Honolulu, Hawaii George Theron; Step-father; Fisherman[/center] [center][b]Legacy:[/b][/center] [center]Ὠρίων - Orion, the giant huntsman, made into a constellation by Zeus.[/center] [center][u]General Information[/u][/center] [center][b]Personality:[/b][/center] [center]An extremely tidy individual, Raleigh is quiet and reserved, preferring the comfort of a good book, a warm blanket, and a cozy fire over the company of others. Raleigh is akin to the calm of the seas, very methodical and often graceful in his movement. He appreciates serenity and predictability, because he finds it difficult to maintain that under a lot of circumstances. Vulnerability is both seen as a weakness and a strength to him; it gives him the opportunity to see and feel the beauty of the world, but it gives people an opening to truly hurt him. But, Raleigh likes that about himself, even if it leads to an unpredictable roller coaster of emotions and can put him under great duress during stressful times. Regardless, that doesn't quite mean he's a social person, as he's still rather reserved (however difficult it is to maintain that when he lets most of the emotions he feels show). Raleigh doesn't mind people, in fact he likes people, for the most part, he just doesn't like interacting with them. Something about observing others, being on the sidelines, just watching appeals to Raleigh more that social interaction. People intrigue him, though he often tells himself that it's the idea of how he perceives people that interests him. In fact, some even go in so far to say that Raleigh is purely romantic; he thinks more grandly, more passionately, and more surreal than others around him. He sees things in a different shade, a less realistic shade, than what the world gives him and that can be both endearing and dangerous, especially in regards to being too trusting, though his reserved nature aids him in withdrawing the eyes of those who would do seek to use him. There have been more stories he's written and books he's read than people he's made friends with and that's in due part to where he was raised. Being isolated either isolates one further, or holds back a being waiting to be released. Unfortunately for Raleigh, when exposed to the populated world of America, he wasn't the type to go thrive and crave (almost dangerously for some) for socialization and anything different. He became more reserved and cautious, but also more intrigued. He would overstep his boundaries by a fraction to see or hear or smell, but never would he go too far. He preferred to feel and see how other people reacted, rather than participate himself. The world was a giant experiment and he felt the need to conduct it, or at least part of it, realizing that he was just a minuscule part of it all. Raleigh was a lot like the oceans of his home town, calm and serene; the eerie beauty of the horizon; the giant bustle of a coral reef; and the gentle waves. He preferred the laziness of the coast as he saw it and he relished in the lapping of the waves. It shaped him more than he'd like to admit.[/center] [center][b]Likes:[/b][/center] [center]The ocean, writing, the sound of waves hitting the shore, the reflection of the moon in the water, being cozy, reading, watermelon smoothies, exotic sea food (especially sushi), hearing the bustle of a large crowd, noisy parks[/center] [center][b]Dislikes:[/b][/center] [center]Nosiness, thunder, unsweetened coffee, the lingering odor of cigarettes, anything that assaults the nose (minus wasabi), too much perfume/cologne, tight spaces, getting peanut butter stuck to the roof of his mouth, and brain freezes.[/center] [center][b]Talents:[/b][/center] [center]-Exceptionally skilled at archery and tracking -Endurance swimming and running -Stealth -Cooking -Evasion -Writing -Surprisingly skilled at giving public presentations -Psychology[/center] [center][b]Biography:[/b][/center] [center]It wasn't actually too difficult to deduce what had happened, especially with how Raleigh turned out, but life in denial is an easy one. Raleigh's supposed father, a fisherman who often went on long journeys of the coast of Honolulu, just twenty or so minutes from their hometown of Waipahu, Hawaii and not too far from the University his mother taught at (both parents had moved there when they were younger, Laela from California who was only 1/8 Hawaiian and George from Alaska). Being centered near a large city, especially one often populated by tourists, meant many different faces walked the halls of Chaminade University of Honolulu or at least the surrounding areas. During one of Raleigh's father's trips, his mother had a small affair with what she assumed was another professor. Upon George's arrival, Laela had found out she was pregnant and it wasn't hard to know that George wasn't the father, however, the time she'd conceived was wide enough to fool Raleigh's father. George didn't suspect anything, either because he didn't want to or he truly believed Raleigh was his child. It wasn't too difficult to think otherwise, but being told one was the father of a child did many things to the mind. George wanted to believe Raleigh was his, so he simply did. Life growing up wasn't that difficult, as Raleigh had pretty much whatever he needed, aside from a father to spend much time with. His dad—both of them—were often too busy with work to spend time with him, or even in the vicinity around him. Family consisted of him and his mother and sometimes a few other relatives and family friends; community where he lived was very tight knit, so it was common to see random visitors in his home whenever he came back from school. Raleigh was used to it, though he wasn't very social to begin with. He appreciated everyone's company, but he only really craved attention from his mother and father. People aside from his parents were simply more fascinating from a far, or at least when they weren't trying to goad him into talking. Spending most of his time in books and journals during school meant Raleigh wasn't considered very approachable; he was invisible to the rest of the students, just about how he liked it. But, that also meant he didn't quite have enough help for classes and often relied on himself. Intelligence remained a strong point for Rye, however, and he found various ways to get over the hurdles of his disabilities, or at least that's what he assumed they were. Things weren't often shared when it came to what afflicted Raleigh and so he'd no idea he had issues that could have possibly been fixed were they diagnosed. Despite being a very reserved individual, Raleigh often had a difficult time standing still and it was very hard for Raleigh to both read and write, despite both being something he was passionate about. It took him longer to learn both, but he did so with amazing determination, even if it he could only read and write at half the speed of other children. It just meant he retained more information, could utilize his imagination better, and thought carefully about what was written, even if he often wrote and rewrote a hundred times. It wasn't until he was old enough that his mother told him the truth and that she, herself, found out the truth. And it only ever came at the most inconvenient of times. One weekend afternoon on the beach, Raleigh had found himself dragged a little too far from the coast and suddenly yanked beneath the water. However, it came as a surprise to him that he was perfectly fine, aside from the thing that had forced him down in the first place. After ripping himself away, Raleigh was pulled to safety by a local life guard, despite not being in any form of distress. Unable to explain the occurrence away, he went to the only person he could confide in, his mother. She'd told him what she could before pushing an envelope into his hands. It smelled of sea salt and very pricey cologne that reminded him of the coral reefs that lined the ocean ridge. They were tickets to the mainland, two to be precise; one for him and one for what he suspected would be his mother. That wasn't exactly the case, however, as he was sent to the bustling city of New York and then taken hastily to a place he couldn't quite recollect if he wanted to. Early morning, the sun rising, that was all he could remember as he entered, exhausted and dehydrated, but wholly unharmed, into what seemed like a lodge resort. All he could think of was calling his mother one last time, but was instantly swept away into the liveliness of Camp Half-Blood, where he simply repressed his questions until they were answered for him or were completely forgotten. But, it was hard to forget about someone that lived only to care for you and it was hard not to worry from time to time, even as the year passed and he couldn't think of any other place he'd be happier. Cabin Three smelled a lot like sea salt, with the faintest hint of a reef. He could only ever imagine the smell in a fancy, cologne bottle nestled in the corner of the medicine cabinet where it always sat, half-used, but untouched for what seemed like years.[/center] [center][b]Theme Song:[/b][/center] [center][youtube]F90Cw4l-8NY[/youtube][/center] [center]Still Working on this one; it takes me a little while to find the right song.[/center] [center][u]Weapon Information[/u][/center] [center][b]Weapon Name:[/b][/center] [center]Μέσα από τη Σκύλλα - Through Scylla[/center] [center][b]Weapon Type:[/b][/center] [center]Bow and Arrow/Daggers[/center] [center][b]Weapon Appearance:[/b][/center] [hider=Μέσα από τη Σκύλλα - Through Scylla][center][img=http://digital-art-gallery.com/oid/104/640x1325_18071_Persian_bow_2d_illustration_concept_art_fantasy_weapons_bow_picture_image_digital_art.jpg][/center] [center][img=http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/108/0/7/veresa__s_twin_daggers_by_gargunaft-d3e9xer.jpg][/center][/hider] [center][b]Attributes:[/b][/center] [center]A bow made from celestial steel and ebony, ribbed in a golden trimming. The bow itself has a nasty bite, and the arrows are able to part into six upon release should the holder need it. The arrows shoot forth with increasing velocity before sinking into its target(s) and pulling forward rather than pushing or pinning. The arrow then locks into the flesh, sinking further if pulled on—its blade are like rows of sharp teeth, biting down on its victim and seizing until they give in. If left alone, the arrows fall out and dissipate into a watery foam. Each arrow is made from specially from water that the user manipulates, turned salty through simply willing it. The arrows deal more in pain than in actual harm, though in the right hands are just as dangerous as any other, if not more so. When in close quarters combat, the holder of the weapon can use two of the arrows as daggers, transforming them from piercing bullets into daggers curved into sharp canines. They shred and rend anything that gets close enough, tearing into whatever they can sink their teeth in to flimsy remains. Once in their clutches, it's difficult to break free as any resistance causes the daggers to lock into place until the victim stops moving. Furthermore, the daggers, due to how vicious they tear through flesh, don't often have to finish the dirty work as the victims are more prone to bleeding out than actually being killed by the blades. They don't do as much harm as a regular blade would, but the effects afterwards are as deadly as any venom and it may even seem that way once one's life force flows out in continuous waves. They cause more pain than harm as well, as each blade oozes with a layer of salt water that burns like venom in the wounds. Both daggers and arrows aren't as harmful as their average counterparts, but given enough time can bring down even the biggest foes with enough shots.[/center] [center][u]Other[/u][/center] [center][b]Other:[/b][/center] [center]N/A; TBD[/center]