Silva watched carefully as the large man was lead to the pastor's office, her position from above making it very easy to stay inconspicuous. As they got further away and into the office, they were well out of earshot. Swiftly, she ducked under the balcony's railing to move a few pews closer, still gripping the bible. Now activating the goggles so the ear pieces power on, the range of "earshot" extends to the door where the two are talking idly. Hearing the voices clearly, Silva begins to fake her interest in the Holy text again, but it's not long before the door is shut and her technology becomes useless. With a loud sigh, she touches a button on the side of the goggles and powers the device down again. It'd have been nice to get some information beforehand, but it'd be fine -- she'd just have to get closer to the door. The custodian that the pastor had called Mike seemed to be the only other variable these hours, and she highly doubted the man would prove to be much to maneuver around. Ironically, that's when Mike's voice startled her from behind, cutting the silence and crashing through her thoughts with a jolt. She frowned as she stared down at the bible, confused. Was it not good enough to pretend to fit in here? Granted the cloak next to her and the goggles made her stick out a bit, and according to the pastor the man was quite paranoid of new people. He had good intentions, so SIlva's plans almost made her feel bad. She knew the man would be alright, however, assuming all went well. With a sigh, she turned toward him with a not-so-practiced plain face. "Um, no, I'm fine, sir... I just thought I could use some extra faith tonight... I'll be on my way." Silva reached into her cloak as if to put it on but instead snapped on her left gauntlet. She smiled at the man one more time before letting her smile fall apart, pointing her arm at him and letting two paralyzing darts fly at his neck and chest respectively. Whether they hit or not, she swiftly stands and dawns the cloak in a very practiced move, staying low and pulling the hood up as she darts down the stairs. When on the stairs themselves and out of sight, the cloak activates and lets her image melt into the background as she slowly moves toward the pastor's office. The door opens again lightly as Silva arrives at it, causing her to stand still and press against a wall, rendering her back the same paint-chipped color as it to hide her presence. The man was already leaving, and doing so alone, searching for and taking the back exit. [i]Did he just...?[/i] When the man was out of sight out the back door, Silva made a swift few steps to the door and cracked it open, seeing the pastor's lifeless body slumped on the ground. [i]Fuck, he IS one![/i] As aggravated as she was, it did make things very interesting. Gritting her teeth, Silva ran as swiftly as possible to the back door, then cracked it open and slipped through -- her cloak was twice as effective with the assistance of darkness. After locating the man within the alleys, she realized his size made it very unlikely she could win a fight from this position. Even if she were to load him with paralyzing darts, there's no guarantee a man who was so quick and effective with an unidentified method of attack couldn't handle them. Silva decided in her current position it was best if she were to just track his location -- which she achieved when they finally made it to his vehicle and she shot one of her small trackers into the grill before escaping toward her own vehicle. She used the road to quickly backtrack, turning off her cloak as soon as she was out of sight. She had only four minutes and thirty-nine seconds left, anyway, so it was good that she let the cloak recharge. In her SUV again, she clipped the left gauntlet to her steering wheel again and turned on her GPS. The game of cat and mouse began as Silva watched the location of the rental car move along the streets on the small screen, eventually following from several streets behind. Eventually, she the target began circling the Personville Herald, making his target obvious: Sigurd Lindquist. She had to beat him to it this time... she had to. Silva was not about to be outdone twice in a row. However, having a little insurance couldn't hurt. After the car parked and she was certain the man had entered the building, Silva parked four spaces away and swiftly stepped out and made her way to the man's rental car. [i]Take my kill, I'll take your power... could use it anyway.[/i] She giggled quietly, then in one swift move opened the hood and unhooked the battery. Flipping out her small knife, she popped the two front tires and moved away after shutting the hood quietly, putting the battery in her own car. Later on, this battery could be used for powering her suit in an emergency. Inside the building, she looked around for the man. The timer on her gauntlet read almost nine minutes -- almost a full refill. With her cloak appearing to be a jacket again and her hood down, her gauntlets were covered and her goggles were in her pocket. She was desperate to fit in and find the male assassin before he made his move. She even slipped her taser-gloves into her pockets in preparation... [i]I don't know who you are, mysterious assassin, but you will NOT take this one for me.[/i] Suddenly, the target's life even seemed irrelevant; Silva didn't even realize what this game was doing to her already, and this was just the beginning.