The many courtiers and nobles staying at the castle were rudely awoken by the state of uproar the guards were in. Heads poked out of doors systematically along the corridors as the guards ran through and shouted to each other. [B]"What's going on...?" [/B]The songstress asked when she looked out. The guard captain stopped and bowed his head. [B]"Apologies, mi'lady. There is a rogue running loose in the castle. The guards have been ordered by our liege to hunt them down."[/B] He clarified. And just like speaking of the Daeva, King Damien swept through the corridors himself, aided by his personal royal guards. Upon seeing him, the guard captain stiffened to attention like a saluting statue. Damien did not look pleased, and the look demonstrated it. The king saw how the guards were still searching frantically, and he turned to his guard captain. [B]"This-- Is an embarrassment." [/B]Damien remarked coldly to the captain. [B]"I am only mildly disappointed now, seeing your men have not found the rogue." [/B]He began softly.[B] "So I want you to imagine where you will be when I am very disappointed that you have not only failed to bring the rogue before me, but also allowed more slip-ups in security."[/B] Damien coldly described the severity of the issue to his guard captain. He brought his face up to his with the full bear of the King's gorgon-like gaze. [B]"Double. The efforts. And then double the security. I will not witness another foolish chase like this, for your sakes."[/B] Damien put simply. The guard captain could not be any stiller, as though even his breath and pulse had ceased for a moment. [B]"Y-Yes... Sire."[/B] He barely managed. The king said nothing more and then withdrew. The guard captain broke for breath as Damien looked at all the nobles.[B] "Back to bed, all of you!"[/B] He commanded. The courtiers and nobles begrudgingly obeyed.[B] "I want my royal guards on duty around my quarters until dawn comes. I will not have this rogue take my life tonight if that is the case."[/B] Damien relayed to his personal guards, who nodded silently and followed their liege. The rest of the guards continued to search the castle, well into the early hours of the morning, before finally giving room for rest and laying down their torches in admitted failure to catch the rogue.