[b]"...gonnahavetaputaroundintheirsoddingleadersskullforthisshit...."[/b] A trail of cursing and muttering was left in Nora's wake as she made her way through the forest. Lugging this suitcase through such rough terrain was hardly easy, and she wasn't the type to enjoy a nature hike. She had her shotgun loosely supported in one hand in anticipation of the possibility of Crucible soldiers coming up from the rear. Not that she expected to go toe to toe with them and come out alive, but she wasn't about to die without shooting back. Eventually, her flight took her to an unintended location. It was the area that airship from earlier had landed. She had considered the possibility of searching for it purposely, but she didn't think they would necessarily be very charitable about this. After all, if Nora was in the same situation, she wouldn't be inclined to let people on board willy nilly. But here she was. And now that she took a look, it seemed they were letting someone else on board. Clearly they weren't planning on icing out everybody. After weighing the possibilities, Nora figured if nothing else, it was worth a shot to try and get on board as well. Slinging her shotgun over her back, so as to not appear all that threatening, she emerged from the treeline waving her hand to signal the people on board. [b]"Hey! Let me on too! I can pay!"[/b] She had quite a bit of money saved up. More than enough to buy passage on a ship in Kuiper for brighter horizons. Of course, if she was in this position, she would be sorely tempted to gouge people for all they were worth, especially since they weren't likely to be repeat customers. She could only hope she wouldn't have to part with her whole purse, but if so, she knew no amount of money was worth anything if she was dead. She was a little torn between whether she would be pissed at the idea of being extorted, or admiring of their good sense of opportunism. She would cross that bridge when she got there. Right now, she needed to get on that boarding ramp with the other guy or get the heck out of here.