Kat was jostled around by a small pack of students and faculty that rushed towards the now quite obviously dead student. However, unlike many others Kat did not rush forward to the death scene of her fellow student, nor did she flee out of the cafeteria. No, Katherine did nothing but stand there. Her mind was racing, in all honesty she was terrified, and probably wolud have escaped from the area if it didn't feel like her feet had rooted themselves to their spot on the floor. Standing there she tried to comprehend what she was seeing. Her adrenaline fueled brain it seemed had managed to capture everything she had seen in a massive album of still shots. A still of the moment was stuck in her head. She just kept reviewing the moment, the doors bursting open, the student with blood on them, and Tristan's body lying in parking lot. Kat still wasn't sure if what she had seen was real. After all things like that don't happen in Switchville, right?