[b]Tonak[/b] As Tonak boarded the Al'kesh and it took off he noticed the lifesign had moved. It must have been the spotter he had sent out earlier, he stood up from the co-pilot seat and began moving towards the other side of the ship. "Hover above that life sign, I'll ring them up and then you'll have to re-cloak and move quite rapidly. Tell me when we are in position." With that he walked out of the cockpit and headed toward the ring room. When there he waited for his Sisters voice over the ships speakers. [b]Miller[/b] Miller heard the F-302 come screaming down towards the planet, heading towards the building that obviously the fire had originated from, lighting it up with railgun fire and decimating the upper levels. Then as the Deathgliders turned their attention tot he new aircraft rivalry and tailed it the other one came dropping out of the sky as the dogfight ensued. He tossed his smoke over and watched as Morenu and the Jaffa made their way across the plaza, he looked back and indicated for Kay to go as he covered their flank, as soon as they breached the door he could already see Morenu and Ay'mara taking fire from Lucian Alliance forces down the hall, barricaded in the weapon fire was having little effect especially the inaccurate staff weapon fire. He raised his hand to his vest and pulled out a grenade, pulling the pin out he held did a full five count. "GRENADE OUT!" and tossed it over the barricade. Not everyone was killed obviously but it gave the opening they needed for them to push up. He pulled out a tablet, indicating power readings as the whole building started to shake. He turned to Kay "They're dialing the ninth chevron!" [b]Williams[/b] Williams heard the call to lock down, and moved to open the door to his quarters which of course remained closed. He moved back to his desk and turned on his radio. "I need to speak to the Captain.""She's busy right now sir.""I need to speak to her, now. This is not a request. This is an order."