As she she had spoken the last words Thrack dashed towards her. She pulled the sword free of her back, and held it as high up as she could when it suddenly burst into flames. The crowd of Netixels around all wowed and started shouting for the fight to begin. But the flames didn’t matter and turmoil around Tikki didn’t matter. . What mattered was the target ahead. An enormous thirst for blood shot through her and as the sword, as Gram spoke a sense of power tingled in her grip and she did what she was told and adjusted accordingly. He was right. The grip now felt stronger and just as Tikki was about to run through Thrak, her father gripped her shoulder and in the movement she swung the sword at him overwhelmed by the swords emotions as if they were her own. She didn’t even realize that she had cut down her own father, because immediately after, Kurîl had dashed towards her tackling her sideways knocking the air out of her. Quickly before she fell off, she used the sword and drove it into the branch, then looked up to see Kurîl. He looked frightened. Burned and cautious, but oh so frightened, and instead of worrying for her cousin, Tikki smiled and was just about to pull the sword out to continue the slaughter. However he was faster and despite the flames licking Kurîl he called out at her “This is NOT RIGHT. Your father…! You struck him down..!” then he backed away with a whimper as the flames took its toll on him and he couldn’t resist the pain any more. “I DON’T CARE” Tikki screamed back. “None of you have EVER believed me! NEVER HAVE YOU! “ she gasped for air as she spoke in such rage, and anger. “I am NOT weak! I am Smart, strong and trustworthy! But you fools couldn’t see any of it and only saw my differences instead of my strengths! You better apologize or Ill make sure NOTHING is left.”