Katya clung onto his arm as if it were life, mumbling in Rus to herself softly. The feeling of warmth suddenly hit her and she opened her eyes to a blinding light, they were shuffling into what looked like the inn Gustav was talking about, the hospitable one. They stood infront of a counter and started to converse, Katya watching through squinted, red eyes, all she could hear was muffled speech as their lips flapped. Another round of coughing ensued, rattling her bones as they emerged, she detached herself from Gustav's arm and almost collapsed, steadying herself she shuffled to the nearest chair and planted herself into it, letting her body sink into the worn leather. "Gustav," she called hoarsly to the burley man "can you get from my bag" she continued with a feverish smile, "Medicine.", she was referring to a needle in her bag attached to a squeezable pouch, it was the only way that she could get the medicine into her system fast enough, directly into the blood. She remembered the first time the sickness gripped her body, she was seven when she started to suddenly cough, she originally put it down to a minor sickness but it turned out to be more serious bedridden for days she was, she grimaced at the old memories, not fun times.