CS In work! Name: Acacia Age: 19/20 Gender: female Race: human Side: kingdom Rank: relative of the prince (sister in-law of the daughter of the Prince's cousin) Personality: observant, reckless, emotional Appearance:[img=http://www.wall321.com/thumbnails/detail/20120519/vocaloid%20hatsune%20miku%20long%20hair%20ribbons%20green%20hair%20closed%20eyes%20megpoid%20gumi%20simple%20background%20anime_www.wall321.com_54.jpg] History: lived her entire life being looked after Weapons: her complaining can bring someone to suicide Skills/abilities/power: knows etiquette and couture better than most royals Other: yet to discover a dragon ------------ Name: Hania Age: 130's Gender: female Rider: wild dragon Ability: breathes fire Personality: reckless as well, vain, disapproves of the offering of help Appearance:[img=http://images.alphacoders.com/140/14091.jpg] Other: at the moment she is in mourning of the death of her son Devo who was friends with his rider