Los Angeles sucked. Traffic lights sucked. Drivers sucked. Pedestrians sucked. Police sucked. The whole city was just one big pile of suck. And Connor loved every second of it. It was certainly different from what he knew back home, and that's what made it fascinating. He gunned the throttle on his bike and shot between two cars. He ignored the cursing and honking of the drivers as well add he ignored most things. One thing he could not ignore, however, was the phone buzzing in his pocket. With a sigh he tapped the button on the side of his helmet and the blue tooth link connected. "Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm on me way in righ' now," he said before the caller could speak. "Don't be gettin' yer friggin panties in a bunch." With that he hung up and focused on driving. He swerved up onto the sidewalk to go around a slow moving car and nearly clipped a sexy looking girl walking down the sidewalk. "Sorry! " he called behind him. Cold turned hot working for the government. Not how he wanted to go about his life but the alternative was prison or a life on the run. He chose to play ball. For now.